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Chapter 7

Looking out my bedroom window I see snowfall through slits in the curtains. I draw back the curtains, look towards the woods, and then shut them harshly back. I run down stairs and look for Auntie Amber. I don't see her in the living room, but I hear the radio on in the kitchen.

"Looks like a snow day for the kids today. Heavy snow blocks roads and businesses shutdown for the time being. We caution everyone to stay indoors and wait for the city workers to clear paths. Things should be back to normal and cleared in about a day or two. Meteorologists say they haven't seen snow like this in over fifteen years! Well everybody, have a good day and stay warm."

The radio personal cuts off and some Mariah Carey tune comes one. Snow fall? This early? It's not even winter yet! What is going on? School's closed and the roads are blocked. How am I going to get to the woods in these conditions? I stand in the kitchen thinking a second, and then I get the brilliant idea to go see Travis despite the unfavorable circumstances. I race upstairs grab a heavy jacket and throw on jeans over the leggings I'm wearing.

When I get down back to the kitchen I see Auntie. "Where do you think you're going?" she asks questioningly.

"Uh-out?" I say

"In this weather?"

"Yes." I says firmly. "And where were you?" I retort back.

"I was out getting firewood from the garage," It's then that I smell the chimney.

"Oh. . . Well if you'll excuse me, I'll just be heading out now," I say pushing past her.

"Oh no you're not," she says this while grabbing my arm and turning me right back around. "Everything's closed. You'll just have to spend the day inside. Do something productive with your life. Read a book or something."

"Fine," I say begrudgingly and march back up stairs. I sit down on my bed and throw a warm blanket over me as I open my lap top.

Travis Walker. Travis Walker. Where have I heard that name before? I open google and type in "Travis Walker" When the page loads I see a missing person's ad pop up. I click on it.

"Missing Person

Travis D. Walker

Age: 16 1/2 Height: 5'7"

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Last seen Fall 2004"

I stare at the screen confused. To the left of the information is a picture. A boy, about my age wearing a green t-shirt and dark jeans looks back. He's smiling and his complexion is light except for his cheeks that are rosy. My God-that was definitely the Travis Walker I saw yesterday talking to me in his ghostly form! But how? And why? What happened? "How did he. . ." I whisper allowed, unable to finish that last part.

I go back to Google and see a news article. "Husband and Wife in Fatal Crash" I open the article and read it.

"Local Spouses in car cash leave two teenage boys, Travis 16, and Spenser 18, parentless. . ."

I then search "Spenser Walker" but the results prove questionable. I only get a Spenser Walker 28 in Wisconsin. I'll have to ask Travis about this later.

I print out the article and missing person's ad and lay on my bed pondering what on earth could have happened to him.

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