Big Brother

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Hello, lovely readers. So, this story is coming to an end. Idk if I'll do a sequel, I want to but the direction of the story can go in so many ways that I'm leaving it to the imagination for now. Hope you enjoy this last bit :]

Chapter 19

"What are we going to do with him?"

"He can stay here, with us," I pipe cheerfully.

"Gemma, I don't know about this..."

"He has a brother, Spencer."

"Well let's find him."


"I suppose Travis can stay with us for a little while."

I immediately feel a rush of excitement course through me. I mean c'mon. This'll be great. I can help him find his brother while at the same time get to know him some more.

"BUT," my aunt starts "there will be rules in this house. No more wandering off, he'll have to pull his own weight, and he can't be in your bedroom after 5pm--"

"Auntie!" I groan. "What do you take me for?" I can feel the heat rise in my cheeks.

"What's all the hubbub?" Travis asks coming down the stairs.

"We've decided you can stay with us until you find Spencer." I say walking over to him and taking his hand.


"You don't sound very excited," I state a little worried.

He lets go of my hand and turns from Auntie and I. "He left me. My big brother left me all by myself defenseless in the woods with that witch!" Travis' voice begins to shake. I embrace him, tears spill over.

"It will be okay. We will find him and he can explain what happened."

Auntie is hugging the both of us now. We stay like this a few minutes taking in each other's warmth.

"Well, where do we start?" Auntie asks after a while.

"My house." Travis says.

A thought pops into my head. "Hold on a sec." I run up stairs and grab my computer. Typing in his address, I then print out directions to his home. Something catches my eye on the google maps. The house doesn't look much different than mine but the windows are boarded up and a wire fence surrounds the property with a sign condeming the house unfit for habitaton.

Slack jawed I look at Travis. He snateches te paper from my hand. I look up to see where he's headed but the sun coming in from the window blinds me. The sun is setting. He walks out the front door and I'm calling to him.

"Travis. Travis! Don't go, not yet!" I'm running after him, Auntie follows.

"How about a lift guys?" I can hear her behind as she slams the door with her keys and purse in hand.

Travis stops in the driveway and I nearly run into him.

"I only want you to go if you're 100% sure about this," he says looking at me with two blue marbles for eyes.

"Let's go," I grab the directions back and hop in the car. I roll down the window. "What are you waiting for?" Travis gives me a smirk and the three of us head down to what remains of his house. I wonder what we'll fnd there. The sun fades and I get a strange feeling.

My necklace begins to glow and the inside of the car is illuminated. "Wha--"

Just then our car is knocked off the road by a smokey dark figure. Auntie struggles to keep the car on course but we end up leaning against a tree. I sit motionless in my seat trying to process what just happened. Panic rushes through me as I remember my aunt and Travis in the other seats. I'm strapped down and cant get up. Movement is uncomfortable. I can feel a warm substance run down my head and I try to identify the substance. It smells like iron, or blood most likely. My hand drops and fall into a deep sleep.


To be continued.


Okay so wow we've reached the end of our journey thus far! Thoughts? Please don't be mad! I know theres a lot of unfinished business and then THIS happens.

Thank you for all those who've read this far and continue to make writing possible. I hope I have been able to provide an enjoyable experience for you. And yeah, Love ya. Til next time!

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