Good Byes

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Chapter 2

While I wait at the bus stop after school, I see Caleb getting into his gray Honda with a bumper sticker that reads: "Any book worth banning is worth reading".

His car disappears down the street and I look at my phone for the time. 3:07pm. If the bus hurries I can run the outskirts of the woods, about five miles, before the sun sets.

The big yellow chariot rolls to a stop in front of me.

"Hi, Gem!" the bus driver greets.

"Hey, Dan" I say as I jump in and choose a spot in the middle.

Daniel Wilkins has been a bus driver longer than I've been alive. He's a taller man, balding at the top with white hair streaked with silver. Dan's a really close family friend. Dan and my uncle Tony are practically brothers. During Christmas time when I was younger, Dan would magically pull a chocolate coin from my ear. I'd spend hours tilting my head to see if any more chocolate would come out.

I look out the window and see the thick trees pass by in a blur.The screeching of the breaks notes that I have arrived at my destination. Walking down the bus stairs Dan calls me back.

"Gemma, I think you forgot something."

"What?" I ask.

He reaches an arm towards my head, turns his wrist up, and pulls out a silver chocolate coin.

"Your coin of course."

"What's the occasion?"

"I thought you could use some chocolate. Chocolate solves everything," he says with a toothless smile.

"Thanks, Dan." I return the smile and walk out from the bus.

When I get home from school I go straight up stairs to my room and change into sweats and running shoes for my daily jog through the woods. Running clears my mind and it feels as though I can run as far and as fast as I want through the world.

As I go into the kitchen and out the side door, I see my Uncle Tony. "Hey, Pa. Going for my run now. Love ya!"

My uncle is really old and has been sick for a while now. He was 50 when he adopted me from his sister in law and is now going into his late 60s. he was recently diagnosed mesothelioma that is slowly eating away at his internal organs. Since he has been diagnosed, he's lost a lot of weight. He's always been thin but now he is just a walking bag of bones.

He's been a father to me for years and I love him as my own dad. He and Aunty Amber have taken care of me since my parents walked out on me when I was very young. Although my mom never wanted me, I've always kept room for her in my heart.

Stepping out the door, I suck in a breath of fresh air. As I'm about to close the door, I hear my uncle wheezing, then cough harshly. They come often, but these ones sounded bone breaking. Then I hear a frightening thud from the kitchen.

I feel a sickening pain in the pit of my stomach. I quickly run back inside to find my Uncle collapsed faced down on the kitchen floor. I throw my self on tile floor next to him and yell for help . "Aunty Amber! Aunty! Pa's fallen! What do we do?" I grab him by his shoulders and pull him onto my lap. It pains me how fragile and light he is. I try to find a pulse but it's faint. I scream again and then remember my aunt is still at work. I take deep breaths and try not to panic. I feel myself chocking as I reach telephone and dial 911.

"You've reached 911. What is your emergency?" a woman operator recites in a cold and distant tone.

"Yes, my uncle collapsed on the kitchen and I don't know if he's breathing," I cry desperately.

"Remain calm, Miss. What is your location?" Calm? How can this lady expect me to stay calm! He's not moving!

"1645 S. Del Haven Drive," I say through sobs.

"Okay, an ambulance will be with you shortly."

When the paramedics arrive my uncle is clutched in my arms and I'm rocking him back and forth in my lap, praying softly for him to hang on. The paramedics take him from my arms and place him on the gurney. I try to hang on to his hand but one of the paramedics pull me away.

I follow behind and get in the passenger side of the ambulance. Trying to hold back tears I stare straight ahead.

"Hey, everything's going to be okay," the ambulance drive says glancing over at me.

"Yeah, everything's going to be okay," I repeat in an attempt to convince myself.

The ambulance pulls up in front of the emergency and Pa's rushed in. I see the medics roll him down a long hall and they turn into a room with several others, the only thing separating the patients are a series of blue green curtains with little white triangles printed all over.

The doctor and nurse rush in and start working on my uncle. One of the nurses gently pushes me out of view. I call my aunt, leaving her voicemails to come. When Aunty picks up says she's on her way and in about 10 minutes we're both sitting on some green chairs in a room filled with stale air.

Hours pass in the waiting room, signing paper work and watching "The Price is Right". Around six the doctor comes in and tells me that Pa is fine but very weak.

"Your uncle requested to speak with you," the doctor says looking at me. I walk with him into the room Pa's room.

"Ahh, Gemma!" my uncle looks happy to see me and gives me a strained smile, trying to sit up.

"No, Pa don't get up," I say quickly moving to his bed side.

"I'll give you two a moment" The doctor steps out.

"I wanted to talk to you one last time," Pa says, his eyes twinkling.

"Huh? One last time?" I ask confused.

"Yes, I wanted to tell you I love you to infinity and beyond." he smiles up at me and places a hand on my cheek. "You've grown into a very fine young lady and you will do great things in this world. Remember God gives the toughest of challenges to the strongest of people. Tell your Aunty Amber that I'll be waiting for her."

"I love you too Pa," I say through tears. "But you're better now. Let's go home."

"Yes, but I'm going to a different home now."

"What? No! You can't just leave us! You're talking crazy," my voice rising.

"Honey, it's time. Let me sleep. Goodbye." He gives me a small smile before closing his eyes.

"Pa? Pa! Wake up!" my throat closes as I throw my arms around him and I hear the scream of a flat line. A nurse runs in and escorts me out.

I see my aunt and fall into her arms. We rest in the chairs, never letting go of each other. The sun is starting to peak up from behind the trees outside. I feel my puffy eyes get heavy and finally close.

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