Snake Eyes

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Hello lovely readers! The story is pretty short from chapter to chapter but hang on for a wild ride filled with life, love, and death. I update on Thursdays :) Enjoy the story!!

Cast of Characters:

Gemma "Gem" Atkins (female lead)

Travis Walker (male lead)

Spenser Walker (Travis's older brother)

Tony "Pa" Seiwell(Gem's uncle)

Amber Seiwell (Gem's Aunt)

Leah Atkins (Gem's mom)

Daniel Raleigh (Gem's dad)

Agatha "Aggie" Baggins(the witch)

Mr. James Huey (Gem's calculus teacher)

Jennifer "Jenny" Wills (Gem's best friend)

Caleb Matthews (new kid in town)

Daniel "Dan" Wilkens (bus driver and family friend)

Jim Matthews (Caleb's dad)

Tabitha Huey ( Mr. Huey's daughter)

Chapter #1

I sit in my fourth period class staring out the window.  The scenery is striking. A lovely gray sky stares back at me. Moist clouds that dance in the sky, never giving the sun a chance to play, threaten us with rain. The trees are emerald in the tinted light. I enjoy running after school along the trails through the woods, leaving all my worries and cares behind in the dust.

"Gemma, what is the cosine of pi over two? Gemma? Are you even paying attention? Gemma!"

"Huh? Oh! What was the question again?" I ask my calculus teacher, Mr. Huey.

"Gemma, you have to stop day dreaming. This is real world; it's not all fairy dust and magic," the class erupts in laughter. "I believe I asked you what the cosine of pi over two is?" Mr. Huey says with frustration in his voice.

I clear my throat, "Zero?"

"Correct, Miss Atkins. Now, pay attention!" he says right as the bell rings. Everyone gets up and rushes out the door for lunch.

Before I make it out, I hear my teacher, "Atkins?"

"Yes...?" I say cautiously.

"Come here." I walk over to his desk. "Gemma, you're one of my brightest students. I just don't know what's been going on with you lately. I worry about you, "he says concerned.

"It's just been hectic at home. I promise this won't happen again," I quickly excuse.

"Alright. more thing."

"Yes?" I asked surprised.

"I wanted to give you this," he hands me a charm of a carefully crafted snake with white eyes that glow in the low light.

"Uhh...thanks, Mr. Huey," I say.

"It used to be my daughter's when she was your age. It's used to ward off evil spirits," he says, his eyes sparkling as he articulates every word.

I say thanks again and awkwardly walk out from the class, the snake staring back at me in my hand. I take the small pendant and slip it on the chain necklace I wear. It dangles oddly from my neck as I make my way towards lunch, my thoughts fixed on the snakes white eyes.

As I head down to the cafeteria, I scan the halls for my best friend Jenny. I've known her since I moved here when I was seven.  Jenny has beautiful hair with natural highlights and always wears a silly grin. She's the funniest person I know. Nice too.

One time I slid down the stairs and landed flat on my ass. Walking my way was Jenny eating a banana. Knowing good old Jenny, she throws the banana peel on the floor, slides on it and lands right next to me on the ground. We immediately erupt in laughter...

My books falling to the floor bring me back from my thoughts. "Hey!" I exclaim a little hurt.

"Sorry," I hear from above me as I reach for my books. A hand lands on mine as I pick up my psychology book. When I look up to identify the culprit, I see Caleb Matthews the new kid in my English class. He looks really nerdy with his coke bottom bottle glass and braces, plus his sweater vest doesn't help.

He helps me collect the rest of the fallen books and I thank him. He gives me a shy nod and apologizes again for knocking my things down. 

"It's okay," I assure him. I turn to leave but then see Caleb headed for a bench all alone. I rush over to him, "Wanna grab lunch?"

"Even after I dropped your things," he says sheepishly. Wow this kid is even shier than me!

"Yeah, totally! As long as you don't drop my food," I joke.

I spot Jenny right away with her quirky style as we enter the cafeteria. She's wearing a shirt with little elephants printed all over and denim shorts that are cut off at the knee paired with pink and gray striped knee highs.

"Hey, Gem.. plus one?" she says looking at Caleb.

"Jenny, this is Caleb. He's in my English class. Caleb, this is my best friend Jennifer Wills."

"Call me Jenny," my best friend says with her signature smile.

"Nice to meet you, Jenny."

The three of us sit down at a table towards the back of the cafeteria and we begin our interrogation.

"So where'd you move from?" Jenny asks with a mouth full of spaghetti.

"Wisconsin. My dad owns a chain of books stores and he recently purchased one here that was going out of business."

"The Penny Book Store down town?" I ask.

"Yes, that's the one." Caleb reaches to take off his glasses and puts the spectacles in its case. Jenny and I look at each other. Her expression reads who knew this kid was a hunk under those goggles.

His eyes were a light shade of brown graced with green. He ran his hand through his red-brown hair causing his bangs to gather at the side of his forehead. Caleb's eyes lock with mine and I realize I'm staring. I quickly look down at my tray, blood rising in my cheeks.

I twiddle the snake charm in my fingers as we finish our lunch with more conversation about what he left in Wisconsin and what he has to look forward to at Creek Side high. The bell rings and the last two classes pass by in a flash.

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