Snow Storm

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Chapter 9

I don't go back to the meadow immediately. I wait a few days, to let the painful memories settle down. It's Wednesday by the time I go back.

Travis sits in the middle of the grove, and lights up when he sees me walk in.

"Gemma!" he exclaims with joy. If he could hug me, he probably would have.

"Hey," I say giving him a smile. I go to him and sit close. His presence is light and accepting. I close my eyes and think of never leaving. His hand gently closes over mine and I turn my head to him and he does the same.

Last time I came, I forgot to show him the information I found. I pull out the paper work from my raggedy patched back pack. I go over what I found and he explains what it all means.

"It was a long time ago -over a decade now. It was snowing, one of the heaviest snow storms we'd seen in ever! My parents were out that night and I was at home with my brother, Spenser. We heard the radio say that roads were closed and that the storm was strong and everyone was cautioned to stay home." His voice was shaky and I could see him begin to tremble.

"Well, mom and dad were still out -we just hoped they'd be home soon. A couple hours passed and they still weren't home. It was about eleven at night and we heard a breaking news caster say on the radio that a car had had a head on collision with a tree. An hour later the police were at our house taking us to the hospital. But it was no use -they were gone."

"So a week later my brother gets this great idea to get a raise the dead spell from a book from the local book store. I thought what the hay. We got all the ingredients it asked for: candles, jasmine, a token from the deceased, etc. Spenser and I decided we would do the ceremony here at midnight when the moon was full. We did it, but we weren't alone."

"Just as we began to read the spell, a creature -a witch appeared before us and used her magic to push us up against the trees. Who dare come into my woods! I was scared at this point. All I could do was close my eyes and hope this was a terrible dream."

"I remember throwing an acorn at the old lady and my brother running off in the opposite direction. The whole time I can't move and then the world goes gray and I'm being sucked into something. Next thing I know I'm wake up, the sun's shining and I don't have a body," he finishes with a defeated thump to the floor and I comfort him with an arm around his transparent shoulder.

"Well do you think that maybe you could still be here -like your body I mean," I pipe.

"I dunno. . ."

"It's just because when a person dies there body always remains close by and it's spirit not too far if it hasn't gone to heaven, or ya' know hell."

"I guess you could be right."

"Maybe we could do some research. Did this book happen to have a snake on the front?" I ask inquisitively.

"Yeah, like your necklace. But the eyes were different. They were red."

"I know of the book. Do you still have it? The book store down town said it's been checked out for like ten years."

"You've seen it? Well, I, uhh, yeah I don't have the book anymore."

"It's okay. I ordered a book just like that one but with white eyes. I'll go get it from the Lit Palace book store in town. Maybe that other book is in another store."

"I think I know a better place to look. Meet me back here after sunset -"

"But you always say -"

"Forget what I said. Come back tomorrow. I know just where to look."


Getting home from the meadow, I grab my bike and head on over to the Lit Palace.

"Hey there Gem!" Jim says cheerfully as I walk in.

"Hello. Is my book in yet?" I ask anxiously.

"Yes, here you go." He hands me a tattered old book with the binding practically falling apart. "It's seen better days huh?"

I grab the heavy book and rub a gentle finger over the snake. I then grab the snake around my neck and feel an indescribable rush of energy run through me.

"Thanks! I'll bring it back as soon as I'm done reading it!" I yell back running through the door, stuffing the old book in my back pack.

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