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Chapter 6

As soon as the last bell rings, I don't go home. I make a bee line straight for the woods. Today I rode my bike to school instead of taking the bus. I thought it'd be quicker to head into the forest this way. And I was right, within ten minutes I stand in the meadow with my orange bike shining in the dim sunlight. My thoughts are fixated on the snake's vibrant ruby eyes from the book store when I hear a voice.

"I knew you'd be back," he says with a small titter escaping from his lips.

Looking to my left to find him, I finally take in his figure in the full daylight. He's of average height with very dark brown hair, and with chilling blue eyes. His skin is pallid and flawless as if carved from smooth stone. My eyes come to rest on his lips. They're the palest pink I've ever seen but I imagine them to be as sweet as they look. He's wearing a blue and green plaid button up shirt that is as pale as he is. His jeans are white-washed and rocks a pair of worn out converse.

"If you're done checking me out, I'd really like to figure out what we're gonna do," He says looking back at me, annoyance creeping on his face.

I feel my cheeks grow hot and I quickly avert my eyes. "Well, I-Uhh, you invited me back," I respond, looking at the ground under my feet.

"Right. . ." He clears his throat and comes to stand on the other side of my bike. We both grow quiet but the silence is interrupted by a squirrel that drops its nut from the tree, landing loudly in the leaves under him. We look up, and then at each other. "Travis," he finally says.

I stick out a hand to him, "Gemma, Gemma Atkins. But you can call me Gem." When he doesn't take my hand, I drop the smile and retract my gesture, but just as I pull back he reaches for it. "Travis Walker. . ." he says cautiously, but boy am I shocked with what happens next. His hand passes right through mine! I take back my hand so far it threatens to leave without me.

"What was that!? Huh!?" I scream flabbergasted. I am now cradling my hand as I slowly back away.

He looks at the ground, a sad expression visible on his face. My heart beating twice as fast as it should, I force it to calm down and walk back towards Travis to comfort him, to show him whatever just happed I am okay with.

"I'm a ghost."

"Uh,uh ghost? Like a dead person? But how is that possible? That's only in make-believe stories! But I-and you-and, but...what, huh...!?" I feel myself slip to the earth, with Travis's shoes now at eye level, and the light fades.


I heavily open my eyes and sit up. I'm still in the meadow, but I quickly jump up when I recall Travis's words I'm a ghost. I scramble to comprehend what exactly he meant by this. Ghosts were always just stories old people told to scare little children. About how when a person dies their spirits leave their bodies but don't make it to heaven so their stuck on this planet to roam for all eternity.

I put a hand to my forehead and groan a little.

"You feeling better?" I hear Travis ask from off to the side of the meadow. I turn to look at him, catching my breath. He doesn't look like any ghost I've ever seen before. Weren't ghost supposed to be white blobs flying around moaning BOOOO?

"Yeah, I think so," I say getting up with a slight headache. I walk towards him at the edge of the meadow. His arms are crossed and he clenches his jaw as I draw near. When I reach him, he doesn't look at me but I extend a hand to gently brush his pale cheek.

"No, don't," he says holding his breath, but I continue anyways. Just as expected, my fingers go right through his transparent complexion. I pull my hand back as I see him wince.

"You really are a ghost," I say in amazement, my eyes wide at the discovery. "But-"

"How?" he finishes my question. I nod as he seemingly understands my inquiry. "It's getting late. You should go." Another sad expression falls over his face.

I realize then that I don't want to go. I want to be right here with him and know all there is to Travis Walker.

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