"You spent years in a dustbowl, scavenging for survival and counting stars, desperate for answers. Rey, I am standing in front of you, a traitor, to tell you it is right here, by my side."
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⟵ Rejuvenation and Revitalization ⟶
The planet flourished with dewy forests, boundless bays and rolling mountain ranges. It was picturesque and every little detail was arresting, begging to be painted into the mind of a romantic.
The Resistance was anything but dormant.
A state-of-the-art fleet of x-wing starfighters soared through the air, breaking the sound barrier. They were deafening and teased each other with maneuvers and gyrations. The power of their turbines spritzed water in the patterns of their own routes, challenging the currents of the river the pilots were stalking upstream.
No one in the galaxy could discern of this planet. It did not exist on star maps. The crumbs of the Resistance found it by chance after escaping Crait on the Millennium Falcon. Whispers embraced the fairytale that a soul who newly joined the sky placed it in their path so they could restart.
Whether it was kismet, chance, or the Force, the planet was a home and they were grateful.
The armada convoyed along the waterway until their destination was in sight. In succession, they landed on a tarmac outside a colossal garrison that sat below the valley. The base was alive with technicians, mechanics, combatants and personnel.
When word spread about Jedi Master Luke Skywalker staring down the entire First Order, hope in the galaxy was infectious. Recruitment for the Resistance was a shooting star, unstoppable and electrifying. Donations came in silently and advancements in their warfare was improved.
The tide was turning and the First Order was blinded by their easy victories and effortless bloodbaths. It was a tsunami that would hit them in the middle of the night.
When the sun came over the mountain ridges, it was the juncture; it was their moment. Pink sunrises to azure sunsets, they worked hard. They trained, they collected intel and they prepared for the war.
Every morning she woke to flourishing greenery and it amazed Rey. However, the trees, the lakes, and the flowers did not astound her as much as the blossoming spirits did. Morale was being lifted and they could sense their disposition strengthening.
This sunrise was different and the air of her sleeping chamber stood still. The clatter outside her door was typical but her innervation and intuition whispered otherwise.
The nervous pang in her gut was identical to the sensation she felt as she awaited the arrival of her escape pod onto the Supremacy. It was an apprehensive, butterfly effect she only felt through him.
The bond they shared was begging for attachment again. No matter how many stars, planets, or cosmos separated them, they could always feel this, and it happened more often than not.