"You spent years in a dustbowl, scavenging for survival and counting stars, desperate for answers. Rey, I am standing in front of you, a traitor, to tell you it is right here, by my side."
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⟵ An Unlikely Threat ⟶
"So," General Hux sneered. "When we're you going to share your little secret?"
Kylo Ren kept his eyes straight ahead as the elevator ascended to the bridge of the Finalizer. The starship was infiltrating the orbit of a planet the First Order anticipated to colonize and transform into a military complex.
Their success was effortless and expansion throughout the galaxy was thriving. The Resistance remained silent but Kylo knew they were out there and alive. He's collected small details from his moments with Rey when the Force allows them a connection.
"What secret?" Kylo remained unfazed.
He was too busy calculating the day's work. There was a lot to accomplish before the sun was to set on the planet. The troopers were already landing from transport shuttles and scouting the area for any settlements that would interfere.
"The secret involving your battle opponent evolving into your battle ally."
The words snapped the world into focus. There was no more planet to blockade, no more fortress to build, and no more end to this day that could go desirable for Kylo Ren.
"The secret involving you killing our Supreme Leader," he satirized. His words got louder, gaining momentum and confidence.
As if it were possible, Kylo Ren's face went a shade lighter. He shifted his eyes, meeting the snicker of the man who has been passive since his arrival.
Armitage Hux has always thought Kylo was a waste of time and resource but Snoke never adopted the same vision. The military was loyal to him and surrendered to his harsh training methods. Now that Snoke was dead, there was no one to back Kylo's position.
"I don't know what fantasy you've created in your head," Kylo muttered. His hand secretly searched his side for his lightsaber for the opportunity it was necessary to be ignited. "But I would choose your words wisely."
Hux stood, his hands clasped together behind his back. He displayed the same cocky grin. It did not falter.
"Enough absurdity. I've seen the footage."
Kylo kept his eye contact and realized the seriousness that reflected in the general's gaze. He swallowed a rock, his mouth dry to the thought of someone discerning their secret. The Supremacy erupted and collapsed to stardust but archives of the footage uploaded to the vault. Access was available for any high-standing commander, including General Hux.
"So this is what's going to happen," he continued, smirking. He yanked the lightsaber out of Kylo's dead grasp, toying with it between his hands. He carelessly flung it, feeling the weight of the item his companion prized so much. "I'm the Supreme Leader and you're my apprentice."
Kylo's hands balled up in his fists. His leather gloves creased, begging for release from the anger that boiled up. The Force trembled, quaking like an uneasy surface. Of course, Hux could not sense the storm approaching. The tremor was similar to the shift that partitioned the cliffside on Starkiller Base during his snowdrift duel with the scavenger.
"You're going to find the girl, who I'm sure you're still in contact with anyway, and you're going to bring her to me for execution."
Kylo Ren wanted to wrap the Force around his neck and compress so enduringly his eyes popped from their sockets and rolled across the floor. His anger prowled like a predator in the night, waiting for an opportunity to pounce.
The elevator door opened and they were met with a legion of Stormtroopers. Blasters were raised and ready to propel and execute their previous Supreme Leader they formerly feared. General Hux approached them and they parted like a sea, allowing his company to join their side.
"Then, and only then, will your traitorous act be forgiven and I won't have you beheaded on the steps of the First Order's Capitol building."
He chucked the lightsaber at Kylo's feet, letting it spin carelessly in circles before coming to a slow stop. Kylo stared at his weapon. He dreamt of igniting it through Hux's vital organs, reducing them to ashes.
"And don't try anything," Hux added, exhausting his signature smug look. "One mistake and Chandrila is stardust."
The new Supreme Leader managed to threaten Kylo's life, his home planet, and the only person in the galaxy he cared for. The elevator doors slid shut, abandoning Ben Solo to be alone with Kylo Ren. He surrendered to the pain and collapsed, his knees striking the ground.
He furiously chewed at his lips, his eyes twitching, until he tasted the salt of the mighty Skywalker blood. The heir to misery, subdued to abuse in disguise of strength and power.
He yanked his gloves off, his hands trembling. The young boy, who wanted so badly to be a pilot like his daddy, could never seek redemption now and begged for forgiveness from the Force.
Kylo reached at his torso and dug his nails into the blaster wound. He screamed in agony, allowing darkness to overcome him like an old friend and feed the heinous affliction he would need to betray the girl.