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After what happened today, my mind was clouded by the thoughts of him so I decided to cook. I quickly tied my apron around my waist and was checking the cupboards to find something until  the door bell rang. Once, Twice,...

Where the hell are the house staff? I thought before remembering that they were all on vacation. I immediately took off in the direction of the door not even bothering to take off my apron.

" Hey princess, took you long~" Baekhyun sang as soon as I opened the door. He pecked my lips and entered the house closing the door behind him.

" I was in the kitchen" I said as I helped him take his jacket off. I hanged it on the coat hanger. 

" Oh yeah! I'd get to eat a meal cooked by you after a long time" He excitedly rubbed his palms like a child.

" Wash up first" I ordered already on my way to the kitchen.

I decided to make lasagna today. I was already draining the water from the lasagna when he entered the kitchen looking fresh. He was wearing a plain white t shirt and shorts.

" I missed you princess" He mumbled as he draped his arms around my waist and his head placed in the crook of my neck.

" You must be so stressed today" I stated still concentrating on the cooking.

" Yeah, we're practicing for the musical charity event" He said and groaned. 

" Also, heard you took a day off today. Is everything fine?" He asked concern written all over his face. I gently smiled as a sign that I was fine. I couldn't just bring myself to tell him. 

" Do you need any help?" He asked after a moment of silence.

" You want to help? Do you even know how to use a knife?" I asked with a surprised smile forming on my face.

"Oww.. You hurt me. Not everything is what it seems to be" He said as he placed his hands on his chest dramatically to increase its effect.

I rolled my eyes at his exaggerated actions. 

" You can cut some veggies if you like" I said grabbing few tomatoes and onions from the refrigerator. 

After 10 minutes, I turned on the heat and placed the frying pan over it. I turned around to look at him.

The scene that was unrolling in front of me got me to clutch my stomach and laugh hard. He was holding the knife and slicing the tomatoes as if he is in a war and slicing off the head of his enemies. 

"What? Why are you laughing?"he asked giving me an irritated look. I looked at him and burst into fits of laughter. 

" Leave the cooking part to me, warrior" I said gently smiling at him after I calmed down. 

He placed the knife on the counter and walked towards me. I took a step back as he took a step forward, he took a step forward as I took a step back again. This continued until my back hit the wall. I gasped as he  hovered over me. I looked down at my feet. I could feel his breath on my skin. 

" You're truly beautiful" He said as he lifted my chin to look up into his eyes. I couldn't speak. I was lost in his eyes. Baekhyun caught my lips in his and deeply kissed me. 

"Jump"He ordered against my lips and I obeyed. He wrapped my legs around his waist and placed me on the counter. He slid his tongue in and we were battling for dominance. His hands roamed around my body. Just when he reached my waist line, I pushed him away. 

" I'm sorry" He was guilty. I knew it just by looking at his face. 

" I'm not ready Baek.." I trailed off. He must be feeling so bad and its because of me.

" I shouldn't have taken it too far Y/N, I couldn't control myself" He said trying to explain himself. I smiled at him. 

" Baek..Its alright" I said as I pecked his lips and patted his cheeks. 

" I'll make it up to you someday, I swear!" He said smiling happily. 

" You better" I warned and hopped off the counter. My gaze turned towards the lasagna. 

" Hey, Isn't kitchen a good place for making things?" He suddenly said smirking and I raised my eye brows in confusion.

" You know like babie.." I cut him off by hitting his arm. My attack only  backfired as I hurt myself.

" Man! Are those even human muscles?" I muttered while he laughed.

" Oh princess" He mumbled bringing an ice pack.

" Let's just finish the cooking and watch some TV eh? Its been long since we had our 'we'time" He said pouting. I could never say no to that face now, can I? 

" Sure" I grinned and got back to cooking. 

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