The Wedding!

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I looked at myself in the mirror when i heard the music coming from outside

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I looked at myself in the mirror when i heard the music coming from outside.I knew that music. 

I put a hand on my stomach  "oh god, i think i'm gonna get sick"

Caroline "please, not in this dress"

I rolled my eyes.

Caroline "And why do you hate the music? i don't mind it"

Me "That's the same music that was played on the first founders ball that my soon-to-be husband danced with me. The same night we had sex together"

I turned to her "Katherine hates it "

She nodded and sighed  "i knew i shouldn't have let Damon choose the music"

I giggled and saw the girls walk inside. They sat down on the sofa. 

I walked to them and their eyes widened "you look so pretty!"

i smiled "thank you, chipmunks"

Caroline sat down next to the girls. We were all dressed up. 

I took a deep breath "okay girls, you will walk in front of auntie, and then auntie will just walk down the aisle with your mommy, and it will all be fine. "

I smiled at Caroline.

Caroline smiled and stood up "you know, i wanna be a part of your happiness"

I smiled "always"

Lizzie "auntie are you ready?"

I looked at Caroline who smirked at me " more than ready"


I watched how Caroline and the girls walked ahead of me. Everybody stood up and turned to us .(Just imagine it's the same decorating and stuff as in the real Steroline wedding) They walked down the stairs and i slowly followed them. 

I saw Stefan and Damon at the end of that aisle. They all smiled when they saw me. I looked at the guests and only recognized 25 percent of them because Damon had to compel the whole town to my wedding to make it look real. 

I slowly walked down the aisle. 

I smiled when i saw Stefan in front of me. 

He held me his hand out and i took it.

He and i were standing in front of each other across from Damon. Stef smiled and took my hands in his.

I whispered, teasing "i thought you got cold feet"

Damon whispered "had to kick his ass down the aisle"

I giggled.

Stefan mouthed "i love you"

I mouthed back "i love you too"

Damon took a deep breath "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the joining of these two epic lovebirds in official matrimony. Stefan has found the woman of his dreams, and he's going to share the rest of his undead life with her. But before we begin, if anyone has any objections to this union, please speak now or forever hold your peace. yep, speak right now."

Stefan glanced around but no one moved.

Damon tried again "as in right now. "

No one moved. 

Damon "wow. well, it seems like no one's objecting, so we will continue with the ceremony. "

My head snapped to Damon "we will?"

Damon nodded "you betcha. "

I looked at Stefan who just smiled at me.

Damon "do you, Stefan, take this lovely incredible woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? "

Stefan nodded smiling "i do"

Damon "And do you, Adelaide, take this man to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

I smiled nodding "i do"

Damon "i believe the bride and groom have chosen to write their own vows. "

Stefan and i looked at Damon.

Stefan shook his head  "we haven't"

Damon looked at me and i shook my head.

He chuckled  "oh. Well..just wing it. go"

I rolled my eyes and looked at Stefan.

Stefan took a deep breath "Adelaide, angel, i don't even know how to start because i can't even describe how much you mean to me. You saw light in me when all i saw was darkness. You saved me from despair. Before you i never believed in love at first sight. But then i laid my eyes on you and i had to believe it. We grew stronger by each day, each fight we had and by each time we stuck together. Day by day. bit by bit. year by year. with you. You and me forever, angel"

I smiled and held back tears "I remember saying that to you on that roof. "

He smiled.

I took a deep breath "When I first arrived in Mystic Falls, like 200 years ago, the last thing i planned was to fall in love. But then i met you and it just happened. I fell in love. We have been through so much together but we always came back stronger as a couple, as a team. And i couldn't imagine doing this today with anyone else but you"

He smiled. i could see his eyes getting glossy, mine were getting glossy too. 

Damon breathed out "Wow. Munchkins, rings, now"

The girls carried the rings to us. Stefan took my ring from the pillow.

Stefan put the ring on my finger  "With this ring, i thee wed. "

I grabbed his ring and put it on her finger  "With his ring, i thee wed"

He grabbed my hands in his.

Damon "With the power recently vested in me by the Commonwealth of Virginia, i now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride, little brother"

Stefan kissed me and i put my arms around his neck and kissed back. He smirked into the kiss and put his arms around my waist.

Everybody started to clap.

I'm officially Stefan's wife! 

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