Chapter 4: Winner winner Chicken Dinner

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Meeting Mr. Hargrove, Billy's dad, went as planned. I made eye contact made sure to be interested in a brief conversation then Billy drove me home. They're expecting me again on Thursday for dinner.
Billy was quiet for a few moments and the atmosphere was a bit tense so I decided to strike up conversation.

"Dude, your dad was such an ass"
He chuckled and continued to smile.

"Thank you for acknowledging that. Many people think he's a saint because of his service in Vietnam but he's still a dick," I turned to face him, tucking one leg under me.

"The way he just insulted you straight away was so uncomfortable. Like, I don't know this guy why would I joke along with him," my elbow rested on the back of the chair. I took out my hair and ruffled it a bit to make it look normal. I need to get out of my fancy clothes and put on some normal things so Mom isn't suspicious. I took out a sweater and jeans and climbed in the back.

"I just have to change so my Mom doesn't freak out, no peeking!" I told him as I unzipped the back of my dress.

"No promises babydoll you're right in my rearview window," his tone was seductive but it made me laugh, "oh shit,"

"What?" I panicked. My bra was showing. I quickly put on my sweater.

"Cop following me," it really was, I peeked out the back window and although I could hardly see his face, I knew it was Hopper.

"He's just going to my house. That's my Mom's...friend. Take a right up here, I'm sure he'll disappear," Billy did as he was told, we pulled onto a road that lead down to Will's little hut in the woods. I quickly took off my skirt and struggled to put on my jeans.

"You're right, he's gone. Woo, nice panties. And to think I was this close to seeing them in my bedroom," he winked at me through the rear view mirror. I crawled in the front again and hit him with my butt.

"Well you're never going to see them again. That was low"

"Come on you have to admit, it was pretty hot,"

"I'm sure you say that to all the girls," he was still driving along the road, we hadn't found a chance to turn, "just stop by a tree with an arrow pointing down,"

"An arrow pointing down?"

"It's a long story. My brother has a little playhouse out here, it's close to my house so I can just walk from there,"

"In the middle of the woods? No way I'll just loop around at the next roundabout or intersection," he frowned and pulled out a cigarette. Popping it in his mouth and lighting it without crashing the damn car.

"Are you worried about me?" I teased him and poked his ribs.

"Shut up," he blew his smoke out the open window and offered it to me. It feels like its been a while so I accepted. I have some perfume and mints in my bag so I'll be okay.

"Don't worry, I've been on this route a thousand times,"

"Oh yeah? Sneaking out to meet boys and have some smokes," this time he playfully pushed me.

"No no, there's a really nice lake out here that's amazing for skinny dipping...and the occasional cigarette,"

"Skinny dipping? You surprise me more and more each day. May I see this lake?" I shrugged.

"Sure, it should be the next right and then we stop about half way down and walk from there. I'm not getting naked for you though,"

"I wouldn't expect you to. You're one of the smart ones Byers...such a shame for me," I smiled at his statement, I felt a little powerful at the moment. I know Billy flirts with every pretty girl at school and if he flirts with me that means he's attracted to me, right? Maybe I should give Steve a shot, if he's genuinely interested in me then I should go for it. I never wanted a boyfriend in school before because I think it's pointless, I have the rest of my life to date. But I'm having fun with Billy and that make out session was the best thing I've ever experienced. Ever. It was awesome. My mouth and downstairs mouth were both salivating at the idea of doing it again.

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