Dramione: Beauxbatons

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(A/N) Credit to harryp788 😂

Summary: Draco gets transferred to Beauxbatons and Hermione follows. (It's not that boring, I promise 😂)


Draco's P.O.V.

Draco stood in front of the white elaborate castle of Beauxbatons. His uniform was a light blue vest with a white long sleeved polo under it and white pants. He sighed and went into the castle.

The hall or dining area of the castle was fancy, considering that the school was French. He sat at the boys table at the corner.

It felt odd sitting in the corner, alone and with no one to talk to. Usually at Hogwarts, he had Blaise to talk to, as well as Crabbe and Goyle. Then there was his girlfriend, Hermione.

It hurt just to think about her. Draco missed her, very much. It didn't help that he was in another school, another country.

Draco continued to sit silently. It was weird. Just a month ago, he was in England, in Hogwarts, with someone to talk to and now, he's in France, in Beauxbatons with no one to talk to.

Hermione's P.O.V.

Hermione sat, tossing around the peas on her plate. She would've eaten them bit with Draco gone since yesterday, she lost her appetite and probably her energy to respond with words.

"Hermione?" Ginny piped up. Hermione looked up from her plate, "Are you okay? I know I shouldn't be saying this but you look sick."

Hermione tried her hardest to smile at the red-headed girl.

"I'm okay, Ginny." Hermione answered shortly in cringed internally due to her tone that came out to sad and obvious.

"No, you're not." Ginny said. She stood up, grabbed Hermione by the arm and dragged her to the Gryffindor Common Room.


"Seriously, Hermione. You're eating less now, you don't answer in class, and you're not responding to anyone since yesterday! What's wrong? You can tell me." Ginny said as she sat Hermione down on one of the couches.

"It's just that... Draco left and I miss him. So much, Ginny. You have no idea." Hermione spilled, on the verge of tears now.

"Oh... Hermione, I'm pretty sure he misses you too." Ginny comforted.

"But Ginny, almost everyone in Beauxbatons are veela or part veela. What if he--"

"--finds someone new? He won't, I just know it. I may not like that foul cockroach but he's amazingly loyal." Ginny interrupted.

"Are you sure he won't?"

"I'm sure. If he did, I'll apparate to France and murder him."

"Thanks, Ginny. I really needed that."


~~~ Time Skip to the End of Summer ~~~

"Hermione?" Hermione's mother called out.

"Yes mum?" Hermione answered.

"Come down here, it's important!"


Hermione took her usual seat in the family dining table where her parents sat.

"What happened? Did I fail or---" Hermione started before her father interrupted.

"You passed 4th year with flying colors, but somethings happened." her father answered.

Hermione braced for the worst.

"Your father got a job opportunity in France. It is much better than the one here in London." her mother announced.

Hermione's eyes lit up, knowing that Draco was in France.

"We're moving?"

"We're moving, in a couple of weeks."

"What about Hogwarts?"

"You're transferring to Beauxbatons."

Hermione's mood lit up instantly.

"Thanks mum, dad. I'll go start packing."

Hermione raced up the stairs and barged into her bedroom, pulled put her suitcase and stuffed whatever would fit inside.

~~~ Time Skip to Beauxbatons ~~~

Draco's P.O.V.

Summer just ended, great. Draco had only spent three months in Beauxbatons. He was used to the new environment and food but he didn't have a close group of friends.

"If only 'Mione was here." Draco sighed to himself as he plopped down on the boys' dining table.

Draco started to eat until he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Gabrielle Delacour, younger sister of the famous Fleur Delacour.

Gabrielle had never spoken to him before so Draco found it quite odd.

"A girl wants to meet you outside, near the lake. I can't tell you who she is." Gabrielle informed.

"Okay, thank you." Draco said. He stood up and walked to the lake outside the castle.

Hermione's P.O.V.

Hermione stood in front of the lake, waiting for Draco to come. She was wearing the Beauxbatons uniform and she hated the white high heels.

She had asked Gabrielle Delacour to ask Draco to come so he shoul be coming any minute from now.

Draco's P.O.V.

Draco saw a girl in Beauxbatons uniform. She had brown hair, exactly like Hermione's and her body frame was the same as well.

"So... what do you need to tell me?" Draco asked awkwardly.

"You're Draco Malfoy from Hogwarts, aren't you?" the girl answered. Draco freaked out internally. The girl sounded just like Hermione.

"Yes, I am. You sound just like Hermione Granger as well."

"Mhmm... you have a lot of interest in Granger."

"Of course, she's my girlfriend." Draco sighed, "I wish she was here."

"Of course you do." the girl turned to look at him. Draco's eyes widened to see Hermione.

"Missed me?"

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