Time Travel ~ Aurora's P.O.V. {1}

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(A/N) I'm just going to give a summary for this one because it's kind of confusing.

Summary: The Ministry of Magic has made a new activity for the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The activity is that each student with magical parents will go back in time and assist their parents in schoolwork and whatever else and the Malfoys are no exception.


         "It does seem like a fun project," Scorpius acknowledged, "we get to meet you and dad when you were in your third year."

"Okay, but aside from that, how would thirteen- year- old Draco feel when a random girl from the future comes up to him and says--" Draco starts bit was interrupted by Aurora.

"Says 'Oh hey, I'm your future daughter,' honestly dad, it's pretty cool." Aurora finished.

"So, who am I assigned to?" Scorpius asked

"You're assigned to me and Aurora is assigned to dad." Hermione answered.

Aurora had her signature smirk plastered on her face.

"Oh, this will be fun."

~~~ Time Skip to Hogwarts ~~~

       "Students! You will now be entering the year 1993. For those students older than thirteen, you'll be changed into your thirteen year old self once you enter the room. For those who are twelve and eleven, you'll be staying the same age." Professor McGonogall instructed.

"I'll call your names, you'll enter the room, pull on the old light switch and you'll arrive in the Great Hall and you'll be distributed to your parents." Professor Flitwick said.

A student from Hufflepuff raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Longbottom?"

"Sir, will we be going in one by one?"

"Yes, you will."

"Okay, now let's start." McGonogall announced. Aurora felt a lurch of excitement.

"Albus Potter, assigned to Ginny Weasley." Flitwick called. Albus stepped inside the room. After ten seconds, the door was opened and Albus was no longer inside.

"Aurora Malfoy, assigned to Draco Malfoy." Flitwick called. Aurora stepped up, biting her lip as she entered the small room. She shut the door, pulled the light switch and felt a whirl in her stomach.

The whirling feeling stopped as she opened her eyes to see the Great Hall, nothing has really changed. Four long tables representing each house, floating candles and the long teachers table.

Aurora looks around the Great Hall as she spotted Draco and Hermione. Her eyes widened as she sees that she looks strangely like Hermione and a bit like Draco.

"Aurora Malfoy, assigned to Draco Malfoy." McGonogall said.

"Mum, dad..." she mutters, looking at her parents respectively. She saw Hermione raise and eyebrow at her and Draco look at her in an intrigued way.

"Oh wait," Aurora thinks silently, "they called out Aurora Malfoy, that's why dad looks intrigued."

She looks behind at the podium to see Albus Dumbledore and Professor McGonogall.

"Okay, Aurora, you may go to your father, do you know where he is?" McGonogall asked.

"He's easy to spot." Aurora answered.

"Now off you go."

Aurora walked down in between Hufflepuff and Slytherin nervously but still amazed on how her parents look.

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