Mission SUCCessful (kill me now)

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One day at the castle, Lance and Keith were sent on a mission together because plot- I mean, Allura, Coran (the gorgeous man), and Shiro wanted them to have a stronger bond. Little did they know that Keith and Lance are literally dating and they have the good times all the time (well as much as they can anyway) so them going on this mission is a grand thing for them but of course they had to act like it was like going to hell since they "fight all the time."

This is how it went down,

Lance and Keith were making out cuz they gay when all of a sudden Shiro popped out of nowhere like he did with his fake ass in season 4.
"Hey, Gay- I mean Keith. Allura, Coran, and I want to talk to you and lance about going on a mission so can you and lance come to the kitchen." (I decided the kitchen because I'm tired fuck off.) Keith and lance freaked out but Keith eventually responded. "Yeah, I'll be there in a second."

A few minutes later... (this is a fanfic not a fucking novel, expect this kind of shit)
Keith and Lance arrived at the kitchen where the other three were waiting.
"Why did you guys decided to met us in the kitchen for a mission" (that kinda rhymes holy fuck I'm fucking Dr. Seuss or however the fuck you spell his name.) Lance said. "I don't quiznaking know lance (lonce) I felt like it so shut your quiznack." Allura said.

After they explained the mission... (just imagine a mission that apparently only needs two people which happen to be Keith and Lance and no other duo can do it more successfully)

Keith and Lance then sent off to accomplish their mission.

After the mission... (Like I said it's a fanfic shut your quiznack)

Lance and Keith decided to just lay around in blue when they got the grand idea of fucking since they now have no one to bother them. They look at each other then started to make out. After a bit they striped out of their clothes then continued to fuck. After a bit of hickeys here and there lance sticked his extended long one in Keith and then they stopped and went back to the castle and then somehow pidge figures out they fucked and then got payed by hunk $50 because that's just how a klance smut works in fanfictions.

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