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- Aiden's POV -
(Yeah, you're welcome boos ;3)

I stare into my locker for a moment, searching for my math textbook. Once I find it, I grab it and throw it behind me.

Good. Now I have space for the real shit. I smirk as Nico hands me his bag and allows me to set two thermoses inside. Both are filled with vodka and orange juice, two very amazing compositions when put together in our opinion.

"Man, are you sure this is a good idea? What if you get caught?" Nico asks as I shut the metal door. I roll my eyes at him and pull my bag onto myself properly.

"We're not going to get- ah, fuck." I interrupt myself, swearing when the pressure of my backpack and the fabric of my black shirt rubs against my right shoulder blade. I glare at myself internally and switch sides, momentarily forgetting about that dumb tattoo on my back. Effing wing.

"Yo, you good?" Nico questions, raising a single eyebrow.

I nod. "Fine."

"Is it your tattoo?"

"Yeah," I admit nonchalantly. "But I'm fine, man. Promise."

My best friend glances toward the area where the white and grey wing would be if I had my back faced to him. It burns like hell today. Even though my mom's a doctor and said the pain would subside with the drug she gave me, it didn't seem to be working at all. The entire upper right side of my back is stinging like a bitch.

He nods. "Alright then...you sure they won't check your locker if they smell it on you?" He asks, nodding his head toward the metal door and then looking back to me, referring to the alcohol I'd consumed this morning. I need something to jump start my slow ass in the mornings.

I smirk, chuckling a bit. "Oh no. They'll check my locker if they smell it on me. Hopefully I'll get a long suspension too."

Nico rolls his eyes. "Why're you always insisting on taking the hard road?"

Why do you assume that I see two roads?

"I live a thrilling lifestyle, Neke."

Ah, and the lies are something I consume just as much as alcohol. They keep me protected from what I really am. Sometimes my untruth is so expertly said that I begin to believe it. Props to me.

He shakes his head. "Whatever man. Good luck with that. I have a girl to grab before this period is over."

Nico starts to walk away, saluting me lazily as he does so. I hold back a scoff. A girl. Always leaving me for his girl. It's not like it bothers me that much. He just has her at the top of his priority list, whereas I come to a very distant second.

No big deal. We've only been friends for nineteen years. He's known and been with that Morgan girl for three, but I see time doesn't really matter when it comes to shoving your main man down the drain to make space for the shiny new toy that he's oh-so-destined to be with. The goddess of fate must've ran by and pushed me into the depths of the ocean while allowing those two to float away on a yacht into the sunset.

I begin walking to the cafeteria in hopes of finding my own toy to fuck around with before lunch period ends.

Ha. Fate. It's the dumbest thing ever, other than hope and myself.

It just doesn't exist.

I turn left just when another girl is heading right...in the same area as I'm trying to go left. Due to her short frame, she doesn't seem to see where she's going, and butts right into me. She rubs her nose for a moment, a shock wave of warmth rushes through my blood before evaporating completely. Suddenly the burning in my shoulder comes to a complete halt.

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