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QOC: Did you guys see the new Avengers: Infinity War movie? I wanna see it sooo bad. Also, we all know who the real heroes are...INCREDIBLES! I can't wait for June 15th.


- Anna's POV -

I run inside the house, my throat burning and throbbing. After looking left and right, I pull my phone upright, breathing heavily. Immediately, I open it up and go to the dial pad, punching in Aiden's cell.

In the darkness of the house, my phone lights up my face. But it goes black again when I press it to my ear, waiting for him to pick up as ringing commences. I pace the first floor, looking in every nook and cranny for Nico and Hayley. Unfortunately they're no where to be found.

I run upstairs as quietly as I can, still shocked by how the children and caretaker are sleeping with all of this noise going around. Nico said she was a "heavy sleeper," but he hasn't actually seen her sleep. He just said that because she is just a teensy bit overweight.

"Hello?" Aiden answers, interrupting my thoughts. Relief floods me. "Anna? Where are you and the rest? Dakota and I are at the camp with some s'mores and stuff."

I don't reply right away. The only sound on his receiving end must be my breathing. Instead I grab the end bulbous part of the guard on the staircase and hoist myself onto the steps, trotting upwards.

"Anna? Hey, what's wrong? Are you crying or something?" Worry fills his tone.

I shake my head, but then remember he can't see me. "Uh — no, I'm fine." He can hear I'm not fine though. My voice is seemingly broken. It's raspy and can only be heard if I yell, which only comes out as a harsh whisper anyway.

I search the second floor now, going through every door. The first is another bathroom much like the one on the top story, but when I slid the curtains out of the way I didn't find anyone tied up.

"Listen, I'm sending you the GPS link for directions to this group home," I rush out. I walk out the door and shut it behind me, also flicking off the light. I brush a strand of hair out of my face as I head over to the next door, which revealed a bedroom. The caretaker's bedroom.

Wincing, I shut it again, muffling her snores.

I whisper as best I can. "You need to get here. I know you're going to be mad, but we found Lily at this group home. I wanted to find her for you that night you broke down about her. But I didn't know my father would find me. He attacked me and—" I stop to cough harshly into my sleeve. When I do, a metallic taste arises onto my tastebuds. I slowly look at my sleeve to see a few red splotches. I sigh and continue on, going to the next door. "Lily's safe in the truck. She...she stabbed my father."

I open the last door left on the second floor, which clears a large row of stairs. This confuses me, because the stairs are on the opposite side of the hall and lead upward. These lead back down. Probably to a basement. But wouldn't that be on the first floor?

This house just continues to prove untrustworthy.

"Anna, what the fuck are you talking about? You're throwing this all on me like crazy and - wait, what about Nico and Hayley? Are they safe?" He asks frantically. I hear another voice in the background. It's male, and asking questions. Aiden, however, ignores answering them. It has to be Dakota, I think. I can recognize it pretty well - his voice.

"Aiden, there's more I need to tell you. But Hayley and Nico are in danger. Noah has them. I'll explain everything as soon as you arrive," I pushfully explain.

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