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QOC: You've all made predictions before. But I wanna hear some conspiracy theories, if you have any. Care to share them?

- Anna's POV -

I guess the spot we decided to stop at three days ago on the hike was the only place on this mountain with any reception other than the shack Lyma went to, because Nico keeps complaining about how he's never going to be able to catch up on his favorite shows without service. Lyma seems anxious too, and she told me she's only that way because her boss is supposed to give her news on something at work. She told me not to worry. Still, I can't help but feel sorry for her. She seems incredibly stressed over it.

Anyway, we decided this morning that today, we would all do our own things since we've been doing everything together so far. Lyma went down to the shack, Dakota and Aiden went to collect firewood and then rent four wheelers at a rental a little farther down than the shack, and Nico, Hayley, and I decided today would be a good time to discuss our plan.

We'd avoided it as long as possible, all of us nervous for what is to come. But now is the time to toughen up and face reality. It's time to get Lily back.

We are sitting by the lake, my toes dipping into the water as Nico and Hayley converse about the route on a map. I listen carefully, but also admire the way the liquid gently kisses my feet as I do so. It's calming amidst the scary situation.

"...left to go right in the first place." Hayley's voice explains.

I see Nico nod in the corner of my eye. "Right. So it's located not far from here."

I look at them, glad to hear this. "Yes," Hayley continues. "That's why I told my mom we should stay here specifically. I just told her that I wanted to take some photos of this particular area."

Nico grins. "Smart girl."

"Flattering boy."

I almost gag at their lovey-dovey moment, but refrain. It's not like Aiden and I haven't had our playful banter. I guess it's just repulsing when others do it. And blatantly right in front of you.

"So," I cut in before they can say anything else that could potentially cause my breakfast burrito to regurgitate. "When do we plan on leaving? And how long will it take to get there?"

"It doesn't take long to reach here," Nico says, pointing to an area on the map. He'd circled it with a purple marker and labeled it "Lily." "About fifteen minutes if we drive. It's on the mountain too. That's why. Aiden's dirtbag of a father made sure she would be isolated from civilization, clearly."

I nod as Hayley jumps in to answer my first question. "And we're leaving two nights before we head back to New York. After we get her, we will fold the seats to make enough room for her to stay in Nico's truck. It's comfortable enough, and I'm sure she'll understand once she realizes we're the good guys."

I blow a breath. "What about actually getting her out though? Don't they have security and all that?"

Nico makes a smirking, cocky face. "It's nothing I can't hack. And the caretaker is old. She can't stop us very easy."

"And besides that, it's a small house," Hayley says, grabbing one of my hands. She noticed my nervousness, then. "We'll get her back, Anna."

I look at the clumping dirt more near the trees. "I know," I say softly. "I just don't want Aiden to be angry when we do. Angry at me for not telling him. We promised each other no more secrets."

They both go quiet, and in my peripheral vision, I can see them silently squabbling over who needs to say what to reassure me. Usually I'd find it funny, but this unnerves me. If they're unsure about his reaction, then what comfort does that bring?

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