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- Anna's POV -

My breath is hitched in my throat.

A single tear drops from his eye.

"Princess," He says again. "Oh God I missed you so much." His voice wavers in thick emotion as my heart hammers away. My gaze continuously flickers from him to Hayley, who looks as if she may cry.

"Let her go," I say in a whisper, trying to suppress my fear.

As if remembering he has her in his hands all of a sudden, he pauses his sniffling to look at Hayley. His grip on the knife tightens, and I flinch visibly. She makes a small squeak sound before a few of her own tears fall.

"Come home with me, baby," He says, looking at me again. "I'm ready for you to come back."

I shake my head, clenching my jaw as unwanted liquids burn my irises. I ball my left hand into a fist and take one steps forward, pointing at him fiercely. "I will never come back to you. Let my sister go."

Almost immediately, the joyfulness and hope vanishes from his eyes. He frowns, almost confused. However, the anger is more evident than anything else. He tilts his head to the side slightly, my body chilling.

But all I can focus on is how he has Hayley underneath the blade of a knife. It wouldn't be surprising if he decided to slide it across her flawless skin. Thankfully I know what strings to pull to get him to think about me instead of her. And if I get him angry enough, he'll release her and come at me.

"What did you say?" He hisses lowly. "Did you just tell me what to do?"

I glare at him with all the hatred I can muster. "I said I'm not coming home. You're leaving. And you're letting my sister go." I take more steps forward, trying to swallow my heart that is attempting to jump out of my chest.

Now I think about Aiden, and how he had told me the last time my father attacked me that he'd never let anything bad happen to me again. Even if he isn't here, I still believe him. Because he didn't give me protection offered by just himself in that moment. He gave me assurance that I could protect myself. That I am strong enough to defeat this nothing of a man.

With this in mind I step into an arms length away from my father, burning deep and painful holes into his eyes with my own. No more.

He tilts Hayley's head back in warning, the blade now digging into her skin a little. My eyes widen, but I recover as she stares at me in complete and utter horror. She thinks she's going to die.

"You are mine," He growls. "And you are coming home with me. Your family. Tonight. Right now."

I shake my head. "I already have a family. I have a mother who cares for me and a sister who welcomed me the day I set foot inside the house. I have a soulmate - a boyfriend - who loves me. In fact, he's in love with me. And wanna know what I love best about him?" I dauntingly tilt my own head now, a little to the right to provoke him. His chest heaves up and down slowly, but largely. His eyes are furious. When he doesn't answer, I take that as a cue to continue on. "He doesn't hurt me. He doesn't hit me. He doesn't verbally abuse me." I take a threatening step nearer, right in his face. "He doesn't rape me."

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