Chapter 2 ~ And So It Begins.

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Harry's POV

"And so it begins" I hear Lisa mutter.

I just shrug it off.

"Security is waiting outside, but we need to get through here first to get to them" I explain. "Just follow me and you'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" Lisa asks. "The fans look pretty crazy right now."

"Well, we don't really have a choice now do we?"

"I guess not..."

"Let's go!" I shout and take off into a sprint.

I weave through crowds of people with Lisa and Courtney at my heels, desperately searching for the exit. I can tell the fans are gaining because their screams are getting louder every second. I come to a halt, and Courtney ends up smashing into me.

"Ah crap!" she curses as she falls to the ground. She grips her ankle and looks up at me with a pained look. "I twisted my ankle."

"Great" I mutter to myself as I scoop her up into my arms. She hooks her arms around my neck.

"Over there!" Lisa yells and points to the exit.

We take off running again and finally make it to the exit. The cool London air hits us and I feel Courtney shiver slightly. I spot the big black van just across the road and we make our way over there.

Lisa slides the side door open and hops in, me following shortly after. I place Courtney down on the seat next to Lisa.

"We'll get you some ice when we get home, okay?" I reassure her.

She smiles at me. "Thanks."

I peer over at Lisa sitting by the window. She's staring out of it, with a hard look on her face.

I wonder what her problem could be...

Lisa's POV

5 minutes! We were with him for all of 5 minutes and the fans found us! This is why I don't see him often.

"We'll get you some ice when we get home, okay?" Harry reassures Courtney.

She smiles at him. "Thanks."

Not only did our reunion get interrupted by the fans, but Courtney also got hurt in the process. I know it wasn't the fans fault, but still...

"You okay LiLi?" Courtney asks me with a smile.

I turn to look at her. "Yeah, I'm fine" I say and then resume my position staring out the window.

There's a bit of an awkward silence.

"So... how was your trip?" Harry asks awkwardly.

"It was pretty boring, apart from me scaring Lisa to death by screaming that we were being attacked by whales" Courtney says proudly.

"You did that? High-five!" Harry yells and their palms slap together.

Oh god. They're just like each other.

It's Going To Be Okay ~ A One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now