Chapter 21 ~ She Really Does Like Me?

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Louis' POV

What the hell happened last night?
I sit up and stretch. My hands hit something hard. I look up. A car roof?
I rub the sleep out of my eyes and take in my surroundings. I'm in a car, naked, with the girl from last night lying next to me. Also naked.
Oh crap!
I grab my clothes and shrug them on. I scramble out of the car and whip out my phone. 10 new messages. Most of them are from Liam demanding where I am, while one's from Lisa, saying that we need to talk. I think enough has been said.
I ignore all of them and struggle to find my car keys, though I eventually find them. I swear, I am never drinking again.
I unlock my car and hop in. Where can I go? Not back home, I'll be bombarded with questions. Aha! I'll text Zayn! He'll know what to do.

To: Zayn

Dude, meet me at the park in 10 mins!

From: Zayn

Okay? Where were you last night?

To: Zayn

I'll tell you when you get there.

I slip my phone back into my pocket and drive to the park. Zayn's already there, sitting on a bench by a bush.

"Hey mate" I say casually and sit next to him on the bench.
"Dude! Where were you last night?!" he demands.
"Calm down! You spend too much time around Liam."
"Calm down? You were gone all of las- Woah. I do sound like Liam, but that's beside the point! Where were you?!"
"I was at a club" I say.
"But why were you gone all night?" he questions.
"Well I was drinking and-"
"DRINKING?!" he interrupts.
"Let me finish! So I was drunk and I think..." I trail off.
"Yes? Finish."
"I think I slept with a stranger."

I hear a strangled gasp come from the bush, and then Lisa pops up, looks at me with very sad eyes, then runs off. Oh shit. Then Harry, Courtney, Liam and Niall pop up. They were all hiding in that bush?

"You slept with a complete stranger?!" Liam screams down my ear. "What if you had got caught?!"
"I said I 'think' I slept with a stranger" I protest.
"You 'think'? You either did or didn't!"
"Fine..." I give in. "I did."
"I'm gonna go find Lisa" Niall says worriedly and runs off.
"Of course he would" I mumble.

Lisa's POV

Why? Why would he do that? Oh yeah, that's right, I kissed Niall. He was probably just getting back at me. At least I hope. But at least I didn't go sleep with a stranger!
Running probably isn't the best thing for the baby, so I stop at a nearby cafe. I sit down at a table and start to sob. This earns me some strange glances from the people at the other tables.
The bell signalling a customer goes off, but I just sit there and ignore it.
I hear someone walk over to my table, and then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Niall.

"How could he?" I cry as he sits down next to me. "I truly loved him!"
Niall looks at me sadly. "Did that kiss... mean nothing to you?"
My head snaps up." I thought that kiss was a mistake."
Hurt is clear on his face, but he tries to cover it up. "Yeah... a mistake..."

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I slip it out.

From: Courtz

Where r u?!

To: Courtz

At a cafe with Niall, b home soon.

From: Courtz

Kk, take care :)

She seems to have matured more since dating Harry. He's her first serious boyfriend.

"Well, we should be getting home" I say and get up.
"Yeah, I guess so" he mumbles.

Neither of us have a car, so we have to walk home. Half way home, my back and feet start to ache, so I turn to Niall.

"Niall" I whine. "Can you carry me?"
"What? Why?"
"I'm tired and my feet hurt."
"Ugh, fine" he sighs.

He picks me up bridal style. I hook my arms around his neck and nuzzle my face into his chest. It's surprisingly comfortable. After a while, I slowly drift off to sleep.

Niall's POV

Lisa looks freaking adorable in my arms. I slowly put her down on her bed. Just as I'm about to let go, she pulls my face down onto hers. Our lips make contact, and I instantly feel sparks. Wait, why is she doing this.
I break away, knowing that she's asleep and that this means nothing. She tries to kiss me again, but I move away.

"Lisa, stop it. You're asleep, this means nothing."
She sits up straight, eyes wide open. "I'm fully awake Niall. I was meant to kiss you."
She was meant to kiss me? "You're only using me to forget Louis."
She gets up off the bed and walks towards me. "No Niall. I really do like you. Didn't you notice me kiss you back that first time?"
Come to think of it, she did. "Then why did you say that kiss meant nothing?"
She sighs. "I was scared and confused. I didn't really mean what I said."

She really does like me?

Lisa's POV

I really do like Niall. I've figured that out. Me being with Louis was a mistake.
After what I said, he stands there in thought for a while. I can't wait any longer.
I crash my lips onto his, and he instantly kisses back. I feel his tongue slide along my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I straight away let him in. Our tongues dance and play together, and Niall softly pushes me back onto the bed. He leans over me, eyeing my slight baby bump. It's really sweet how he's making sure the baby is okay. We start to kiss again, him making sure that he doesn't lean on my stomach. We are both obviously out of breath, so we break away.
Niall lies next to me and I lie against his side. He starts to play with my hair.

"We need to go on a date."
"Yeah, we do" I agree.
"How about I take you out for lunch?"
"That would be perfect."

Now, how to break the news to Louis...

Louis' POV

She cheats on me, then I cheat on her. This is one messed up situation.
I hear someone come down the stairs, and I check to see who it is. Lisa.

"Hey, uh Louis?" she says awkwardly. "I need to tell you something."
I don't like where this is heading. "Yeah?"
"Um... I'm going on a date with Niall at some point." She says quietly.
"Well, we aren't together anymore..."
Yes we are!" I protest.
"I thought you made it clear when you slept with a total stranger!" she snaps.
"We can work this out-"
"No! We can't! It's over Louis!"
"No, Louis, just, don't" she says and walks out of the room.

I think I just lost the love of my life. And my child.

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