Chapter 15 ~ CRACK!

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Louis' POV

I woke up due to someone playing with my hair. It's Lisa.

I usually don't like it when people touch my hair, but she's an exception.

"Morning" she says.

"Good morning beautiful" I say back.

"I'm 'gonna take a shower" She says and wraps the sheet around herself.

She gets up, and me, being the cheeky bugger I am, rip the sheet off of her. She yelps and then runs into the bathroom.

I laugh to myself.

"Louis you dick!" She yells at me from the bathroom. This just makes me laugh harder. "Come on Louis! It's not funny!"

"Hold on, let me just check...... Yup! It's funny! Anyways, I'm going downstairs" I tell her.

"Wait!" She comes out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. "Please don't tell anyone about this. Especially Harry. He'd kill you if he found out what we did" She begs.

"Of course I won't babe. I'm not stupid" I say and peck her on the lips.

She goes back into the bathroom, and I go downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Well well. Look who's finally awake" Zayn says. I look at him confused.

"You and Lisa slept until 11:30!" Niall explains.

"Well, we had a busy night" I say, and instantly regretting it.

"Doing what?" Harry asks as he comes into the kitchen.

"Er..... um...... we ah..... watched TV all night long" I say, more as a question. Nice save I think to myself.

"Okay...?" Harry says, unconvinced. "Anyways, I thought we could go to the park?"

"Yes! The park please!" I squeal in delight. Yes, I'm 20 and I still love the park.

"Yeah, that'd be fun. Just us and the girls, getting away from it all, and just relaxing" Zayn says dreamily.

"I'm in" Niall agrees.

Courtney already had plans, so it was just us and Lisa. Once ready, we get in the car and drive to the park. I'm driving, Lisa is in the passenger seat, Liam, Niall, Harry and Zayn are in the back.

At the park, there's only a small amount of people and they are too young to recognise us, so we're pretty safe.

While the boys rush off towards the playground, I take Lisa's hand and we take a stroll.

"You know, it's nice just to get away from it all. The paps, screaming fans and tight schedules. Though we are grateful for the life we are living, it's nice just to take a break" I say.

Lisa is about to reply, when there's this loud CRACK.

Lisa's POV

I'm just about to reply, when there's a loud CRACK, and then a searing pain on my cheek. The force of whatever it was, was so strong, it sent me flying into Louis.

I hold my hand up to my cheek and turn around.

There's a girl standing there with her arm raised and a look that could kill on her face.

That's when I realized what had happened. She bitch slapped me!

"What the hell was that for?!" I yell at her.

"You were all over him, you slut!" she yells back.

"We were only holding hands!" Louis defends me. "Don't slap or call my girlfriend a slut ever again!"

"Whatever" She says, and walks away.

I can feel tears pricking at my eyes. I don't want Louis to see me like this, so I run away.

I try to run as fast as I can, but Louis catches up with me.

He picks me up from behind and turns me around.

My cheek is seriously throbbing, and the tears start to fall from my eyes.

"Hey, there's no need to cry" Louis says softly. He takes my face in his hands, and starts to examine my cheek.

"It's pretty swollen" He says. "She really hit you hard, didn't she?" I nod my head, and bury my face into his chest. "Let's go home so we can put some ice on that."

He calls for the boys, and then we walk back to the car.

"What happened?" Harry asks.

"I got slapped by a fan" I sob.

"I wouldn't call her a fan anymore" Louis says angrily.

"Louis, I'm fine. There's no need to get so worked up about it" I say.

"No, you're not fine! Someone can't just slap my girlfriend and get away with it!" He yells.

This took me by surprise. We weren't officially boyfriend and girlfriend. I know that after what happened last night, obviously we aren't just friends anymore, but he hasn't actually asked me yet.

Throughout the rest of the ride home, there was an uncomfortable silence.

Harry's POV

"Hold still!" I yell at Lisa as she squirms away from the ice-pack.

"But it's cold and it hurts my face!" She whines.

"Fine. Have a swollen face then" I say.

"No! Give it here!" she gives in, and I hand it to her.

I'm glad that she's feeling better, but I still can't believe that a fan would actually physically abuse one of our girlfriends! Louis' right. She shouldn't be called a fan anymore.

I flop onto the couch next to C, and she immediately snuggles up against me.

Courtney is something special. I can feel it.

Courtney's POV

I love Harry so much, but I'm too afraid to tell him, and I'm hoping that he will say I love you first.

Harry leans down and whispers "I love you, and I will never let anyone hurt you" In my ear.

OMG! He actually said it!

"I love you to" I say, then lean in to kiss him.

Lisa's POV

My cheek hurts like hell, and the ice-pack isn't really helping.

I look over at C and Haz on the couch.

He whispers something in her ear.

She looks shocked, but recovers quickly. She whispers something back and then she kisses him.

They are freaking adorable!

I already have their wedding planned, what the names of their children will be, and I can't wait to start being called Aunty Lisa!

Their babies will be so cute!

"How's your cheek?" Louis asks cautiously as he comes into the kitchen.

"It's getting better" I reply.

"Hey, can I talk to you about something?" He asks. Oh God! He's not 'gonna break up with me is he?! But you weren't even together My mind reminds me.

"Uh, sure."

"Not here. Can we go upstairs?"


We go upstairs and into his room. He shuts the door, and we sit on the bed.

He takes my hands.

"Lisa, I like you a lot" He says. Here it comes....

"Will you be my official girlfriend?" He asks shyly.


"Of course!" I yell and then kiss him.

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