Chapter 16 ~ Fine Dining.

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Louis' POV

Tonight, me and Lisa are going out on an official date. No-one knows about me and Lisa being together. They think it's all pretend and that this date is just to attract attention.

But it's not to me and Lis.

We are going to do what Simon wants us to do. We're going fine dining, and we are going to attract as much attention as possible, so either way, we win.

Lisa comes down the stairs, and she is as beautiful as ever. She's wearing a red dress with matching black accessories. Courtney straightened Lisa's hair, so it comes down past her shoulders.

She's wearing black high heels, so she's only a little shorter than me.

"You look beautiful" I say to her. She blushes, then looks to the ground.


I escort her to the car, and open the passenger door for her.

"Why thank-you Mr Tomlinson" She says and curtseys.

"Your welcome, Ms Styles" I say back.

We get in the car.

After a while, I turn around and look at Lisa. She's shaking.

"Li, what's wrong?" I ask her, and she turns to look at me. I can still slightly see the mark on her cheek from that slap. Just looking at it makes my blood boil.

"I'm nervous, that's all" She says. "What if I get slapped by another fan? Or worse?"

"You won't" I reassure. "This time, I'll be there to protect you" I finish, and put my hand reassuringly on her thigh. She smiles at me.

I pull into the parking lot of the restaurant, and hop out.

Lisa is also about to hop out, but I stop her.

"Wait!" I shout and then run around to the passenger side. I open the door, and she gets out.

"Really Lou?" She asks me like I'm stupid.

"Hey, you can't blame me for being a gentlemen" I say with a smile.

I take her hand, and we go inside.

For once, we aren't blinded by the flashing light of the paparazzi.

"Reservations for Louis Tomlinson" I say to the person at the front of the restaurant.

"For two?" He asks.


"Right this way sir" He says, and we follow him to our table.

Lisa's POV

We sit down at our table, and a girl comes over.

"Hi, I'm Maddy, and I'll be your waitress for tonight" She says, while obnoxiously smacking her gum. I can tell I won't like this girl by the way she is looking at Louis.

"Would you like anything" She says to Louis, practically lying on top of him. When she says anything, I know she means anything.

"Um" Louis manages, looking uncomfortable. "Not yet, thanks."

"Call me if you need anything" She says seductively while batting her eyelashes. She walks away and then there's an awkward silence.

"Can we maybe get a different waitress?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Sure" He agrees.

He gets up and walks over to the cashier, but is stopped by Slutty. That's my nickname for Maddy.

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