Chapter 4 ~ That's Final.

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Courtney's POV

After Li ran upstairs it was quite awkward, until Zayn suggested we play Pokemon.

"You're all going down!" Louis yells.

"I'll have you know, I'm the master at Pokemon" I say.

"Bring it on!."

An hour and a half later, it's just me and Louis battling it out to the finish.

"Pikachu, use thunderbolt on Squirlte!" I yell at the Nintendo DS I had borrowed from Liam while smashing the button.

"No!" Louis wails as he sees that the move is super effective and causes Squirlte, his last Pokemon, to faint.

"Yes! I won! I told you I'm the master!" I scream.

"Aw Louis! Looks like you have finally met your match." Niall teases.

"It was stupid of you to go up against an Electric type like Pikachu with a Water type like Squirtle" I smirk.

"Shut up!" Louis pouts and sulks in the corner.

"Aaaww boobear," Harry coos, "You're still my champion."

"You always know what to say Hazza!"

"I'm hungry!" Niall whines.

"Niall you're always hungry!" Says Liam.

"But this time I'm really hungry!".

"Fine. We'll go to Mc Donalds" Zayn says.

"But I want Nandos!" Niall complains.

"Sorry Niall but there's no Nandos around here".

"Aaawww, fine!"

"Ahem. If you have finished, we would like to go" Interrupts Harry.

"Let's go!" I yell.

Lisa's POV

After their epic Pokémon battle, I hear Niall complaining that he's hungry. After that, they left.

I guess I've been holding in the tears for so long now, that now they won't come. This is bad. None of them can like me. I'm very sensitive, so I wouldn't be able to handle all the hate the fans would send. And the band would lose many fans, because they don't seem to like it when they have girlfriends. Not to mention what happened the last time I had a boyfriend...

That's final then. Don't get to close to any of them.

I change my clothes and then go downstairs to watch some movies while I wait for them to come back. After a while, I start to get hungry, so I make some popcorn then continue watching the movie.

Courtney's POV (Really Short POV)

6 Quarter Pounder meals later (and that was just for Niall), we decide to head home.

Harry's POV (Sorry About The POV Jumping)

While in the car, Louis decides to start singing Summer Nights. We all join in and Courtney starts to giggle. She's so cute. Wait. Did I just call her cute? No, I didn't...?

"Hey Harry! Whatcha doing there?" Courtney asks.

"Oh, nothing, doesn't matter" I say.

"Oooookay then" Courtney say's unconvinced.

The  rest of the ride home was an awkward one.

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