Chapter 24 ~ Just Let Me Die!

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Louis' POV

I wake up to find myself in a bright white room filled with a whole load of beeping machines. There are tubes in my arms, and my cuts have been stitched up.

Crap. I'm in a hospital. Why won't they just let me die? I'm worthless. Nobody cares about me. I lost the love of my life and baby. How can I move on when she's all that I can think about? How can I live knowing that another man is going to be raising my child?

These are all the thoughts that crossed my mind before I tried to kill myself. These are the thoughts that made me try and kill myself.

A nurse walks into my room with a clipboard. She sees me and smiles. She looks at her clipboard.

"Ah, Mr Tomlinson. I see you are finally awake" she says sweetly.

"How long have I been asleep?" I croak.

"Hmm" she checks her board again. "About 2 days."

Only 2 days? Why couldn't I have spent the rest of my miserable life asleep? Or even better, they could have pulled the plug.

As if reading my mind, she says: "You weren't in a coma. Your body was just so exhausted from trying to keep you alive after losing so much blood, that it needed an extra long break."

"Oh, okay."

"How are you feeling?"

"Uh, okay, I guess."

"Great! That means just after a quick check-up, we can send you home!"

Oh great. Home.

"I'll just get Doctor Rodgers to come in here and make sure your body is functioning properly!"

5 minutes later, a middle aged man wearing a white coat comes in. I'm guessing that's Doctor Rodgers.

He does a quick check of my blood pressure and stitches, and says I'm all good to go. He prescribes me some pain killers for the cuts though. I'm leaving sooner than I thought.

The nurse, whose name I found out is Karen, leads me into the waiting room. Apparently someone was nice enough to leave me some clothes.

She gets me to sign a piece of paper for the pain killers, then I sit down and wait for whoever is picking me up.

I roll back the sleeves of my shirt, and inspect the cuts. These are the cuts that weren't enough to kill me.

I roll the sleeves back down and sit there awkwardly. Girls keep on eyeing me so I get up and ask the receptionist if I can wait outside.

I go through the doors of the hospital, and I'm greeted by a gentle breeze. I sit down on a bench not too far away from the hospital, and close my eyes.

A car speeding into the car park makes me open my eyes. A group of teenagers come crowding out of the car and rush into the building. Those people look familiar. Oh well.

I close my eyes again, patiently waiting.

The group of people come rushing out of the hospital calling out: "Louis! Louis, where are you?!"

Wait a minute. I'm Louis.

The group of people spot me, and smiles appear on their faces.

Damnit. They're here already.

"Louis!" they all yell while running towards me. I brace myself as they all come crashing on top of me.

"Louis William Tomlinson! Don't ever do that to me again!" Harry yells.

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