Chapter 13 ~ Here's The Plan.

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Louis' POV

I'm really freaking out right now! Today is the day where me and Lisa have to talk to Simon. The whole situation hasn't blown over. If anything, it's gotten worse!

Lisa looks just as worried as me. Right now, we're sitting outside of Simon's office.

Li is sitting next to me, and I have my arm around her.

Simons opens his door and invites us inside. Lisa looks as white as a ghost.

I take her hand and lead her inside.

We sit down in the chairs in front of the desk.

"Lisa! I didn't know you were back until this happened" Simon says.

"I-I g-guess m-management f-forgot to tell y-you" Li stutters.

"I guess so. How are you guys?" He asks.

"Um, okay I guess."

Good. Anyways, I asked to see you guys, so we can discuss your little issue" He says. "As you know, your album hasn't been selling as much lately, due to the break-up between Liam and Danielle right? Well, your little problem has sent One Direction's publicity sky rocketing upwards" He explains. "We all know that publicity equals more fans, and that fans equal selling more albums, and that's good for you. And, people have found out that Lisa is Harry's sister. So, I want you guys to pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend" Simon says.

"What?! But have you seen Twitter? Not many people seem to like the idea of me and Louis being together, which we aren't. And how did people find out about me being Harry's sister?" Lisa asks.

"But more people like you and Lou together more than those who don't" Simon explains. "And there's a thing called the Internet, where people can find out things about pretty much anything. I'm just asking you to pretend, and only until we sell some more albums" Simon pleads.

"Well, I'm in" I say. "I'd do anything for me and the boys." And I'd do anything to get closer to Lisa, I think to myself.

"Thank-you Louis" He says.

"Please Lisa? Pwetty, pwetty, pwease?" I beg, giving her my best puppy dog eyes. "For the boys? For Haz? For me?"

"Argh! Fine!" She gives in.

"Okay! Now, if it's going to be convincing, you'll have to act all coupley. As in holding hands, hugging each other, and the occasional kiss or two" Simon explains.

"WHAT?!" Me and Lisa yell at the same time.

We look at each other and start to laugh.

"See?! That right there was an example of two people in love!" Simon says.

"Yeah, but I didn't sign up for kissing" I say, even though I don't mean it.

"But you're 'gonna have to if it's going to be convincing."

"Fine. But you better be a good kisser!" Lisa laughs.

Okay, she probably meant that as a joke, but I can still feel my cheeks start to burn.

"Well, here's the plan" Simon says. "You two are going to go out for dinner, and attract as much attention as possible. Act all 'head over heels in love' with each other."

Me and Lisa look at each other. Her cheeks are a faint tint of pink, and I bet mine are to.

Liam's POV

Lisa and Lou come back about an hour later. They seem slightly awkward around each other.

"Hey guys!" Niall and Zayn chorus.

"So what happened?" Courtney asks.

They sit us all down, and explain about what happened and what they have to do.

I got a little frustrated, because when it came to the part where they have to be boyfriend and girlfriend, Louis actually seemed happy and excited about it.

I got up and left. I didn't say anything. I just got up and left.

I go into my room, slamming the door shut so they know I'm angry.

How come Louis seems to get everything he wants in life? Even though they are pretending, it's still not fair.

Lisa's POV

I hear Liam's door slam shut.

"What' his problem?" I ask.

"Oh, I think he's a little jealous" Courtney says.

Crap! How could I forget about what happened between me and him?

How could I forget the fact the fact that we kissed and I ran away without giving him an explanation what so ever?

I can be so blonde at times.

"Yeah, I think it's about time I told him why I ran off" I say.

"Okay Li. Call me if you need me" C says back.

I go upstairs, constantly changing my mind on whether I'm ready to do this or not.

I get to his door.

"I can do this" I say quietly to myself.

I open the door.

Oh God! I can't do this! My mind screams at me, but it's too late now.

"Hey, Liam?" I say quietly.

He's lying on his bed with his arms behind his head.

God, he's gorgeous.

Wait! What am I thinking?! Maybe I am a slut after all.

"Hey, Lisa" He says sadly. He's not making it easy for me, is he?

"I've been putting off this talk for too long now" I say, and he looks at me. Confusion clear on his face. "I need to tell you why I ran away that night."

He sits up and looks at me. Those chocolate brown eyes make me go weak at the knees.

I sit down next to him.

"Okay. The reason why I've been playing hard to get and why I ran away is......" I start.

"You don't have to do this, you know?" He says.

"I know, but I need to. So, I was in a bad relationship when I was 16. I loved my boyfriend with all my heart, but he just ripped it to shreds. I found out that he had cheated on me. And not only that, he cheated on me with my ex bestfriend. It felt like my will to love had been destroyed. I fell into a deep, dark depression, and I even started cutting myself, to forget about the emotional pain, and focus on the physical pain. But it always came back. I got help, but I don't ever want to go back there, and I still find it hard to trust people. Especially boys. I know you like me, but I think of you as more of a brother. I need someone other than Harry to protect me from getting hurt again. Don't let me hold you back. Go find someone you can love with all your heart. Like I once did" I finish.

He sits there for a while, processing what I just said.

Luckily, this time I didn't cry.

He looks at me, then pulls me into a brotherly hug.

"Thanks for understanding Liam" I say. Now here comes the water works.

"Thanks for telling me. It's a load off my mind. Lisa, I will probably always love you, but as they say If you love something, let them go. And if it's meant to bethey will come back" He says.

He gives me one last squeeze, then let's go.

"Come on" I say, and we go downstairs.

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