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(Blackhat's P.O.V)

I was finishing some paperwork when I heard Demenica's high pitched voice talking outside my office. I got up from my chair making it squeak when I lifted my pressure off of it. I walk slowly, my shoes clicking with every step, once the door handle was in my reach, I tightly grip it with my gloved hand.

 When I opened the door all I saw was a flash of neon colors flash up to me. "Heya Blacky!~" Said the lizard-like girl as she hugged me like we haven't seen each other for years on end. While pushing her away, I took a glance at the sky blue bear with a flower planted upon its head. 5.0.5 gave me a worried glance as I gritted my teeth in annoyance at Demencia's way of saying hi. Sparks started to form, some falling to the ground before fading fully, indicating that they weren't strong enough to cause a fire.

 Looking at the two of them, I saw how different they were. I mean, 5.0.5 has worked here for 6 years and Demencia... Well, only 2 years. I mean that should be enough time to notice how alike and not so alike they were, but Dr.Flug was the only one I really ever saw different, but that was just because he wasn't an invention someone made. 5.0.5 seemed more like Flug in more ways than one. it seemed to like to invent things himself, looking back on the memories we shared, back when 5.0.5 wasn't so scared of me. 

(FlashBack Third Person P.O.V)

5.0.5 was in the lab with Flug, cleaning the place up. Which, in all honesty, needed a good cleaning. He dusted some of the glass beacons with care, every now and then glancing at Dr.Flug making sure he didn't pass out from all the work he'd been doing. Dr.Flug seemed not that tired which was an understatement, but he still looked a bit hazed. "Hey, 5.0.5?" Flug asked looking at his blueprints that just needed some finishing touches, "have you ever wanted to invent something so bad, that you would push away all you're duties?" Flug asked looking at 5.0.5, it didn't know how to answer that, it put its paw to its jawline looking as if it was in deep thought, which, it was. Nodding the blue bear made small noises of agreement.

"Would you like to build something with me? Like, create life?" 5.0.5 wanted to try, so he started off with getting a blue piece of paper from the rack a little ways away from Flug's working space. "I guess that's a yes..." Flug chuckled at how the innocent bear wanted to try new things. Flug showed 5.0.5 how to make blueprints, at least as much as he could. 5.0.5 didn't even look away once, wanting to absorb all the things he could, like a sponge in water. Looking at the chemicals that Flug brought out once he was done with the blueprints, mixing them together to make a kinda sand-like substance. He molded it with time, along with a little of 5.0.5's help.

Once they were done with the mold, Flug heated it with a flamethrower gun that he kept for things like melting metal and other sorts in place. While heating it the sand turned into a type of glassy look. "Go on. Touch it, nothing will happen," Flug reassured, glancing at 5.0.5, it took a big gulp of air before touching it with its paws. "Try and smash it," Flug said urgingly, so 5.0.5 did its best to not back out, it put one paw in the air before smashing it down with force...

Nothing happened...

5.0.5 looked down in confusion written on its face. 

"Aro?" It was looking up at Dr.Flug with horrified eyes. 

"Don't worry, it didn't give you a virus that will soon spread throughout the world and slowly kill everyone and everything," Flug said the bear sighed in relief of knowing he won't die.

Looking back down, he saw a lizard trying to get out of where the girl's heart should be.

"Aro?" 5.0.5 tugged at Flug's lab coat as he was turning around to get something, "ye- OH NO!" Flug saw the lizard sinking in, he must not have heated it all the way. 

The lizard slowly gave up, excepting its death. Some of its nose still showing as it finally was out of sight. Flug sighed once he backed away from the girl. "Darn. I was going to put a snake in..." He said, 5.0.5 looked at him confused. "Oh, yeah. The only way to make human creatures like this, it by adding something that isn't human, I haven't tried it with a real human, but I think I would have to put their human parts in one at a time though..." Flug looked down at how the girl started to change into different colors, before sticking with one color palate. Along with her hair growing very long. The clothes that were molded with her, which was a tank top, and some shorts, that were plain black.


"Yes they can come off so you can wash them," Flug said, knowing how much the bear loved to make everything so clean, that some might say the bear had a fear of dirt. Which wasn't the case, he just disliked it. Yes, 5.0.5 actually dislikes something.

"We have to wait for 24 hours before she can wake up... What would you like to call her?" Flug turned to 5.0.5, the bear thought but before it could answer someone very known at Black Hat Org walked in. Blackhat himself.

"Demencia." He said grinning evilly at the name.

"Alright, sir..." Flug said before placing a name tag next to the creation before him, along with a note explaining why she was here.

He didn't know Blackhat was watching them through the camera that was in the room.


Then looking at Demenica... I don't like the memories we shared. She would always flirt with me. Which I don't know why, but the idea of Dr.Flug flirting with me sounds... Appealing? I don't know...

"So what do you two want?" I said, glaring at them.

"Well~ I was just asking 5's here why Flugster wears a bag over his head. And then you came along and everything got better!" She said putting both hands into the air and circling them.

(Like this)


Looking at her with disgust as I turn to 5.0.5, it jumps at the newfound spotlight that was placed on it. I noticed something around its neck... Was that a... Collar? "5.0.5? Where did you get that collar from?" I asked as I point my index finger at it. (A/N: Well duh he would point at it with his index, what do you think I was going to do make him put up the middle one?!) "This?" It said with a shaky voice, I was surprised that 5.0.5 could talk! "5.0.5," I said grabbing a bit more of its attention, "since when could you talk?" "J-just a little while ago... Sir..." it said. For some reason, it wasn't as... I don't know what's the word... Calming as Flug's way of saying it... Shaking the thought I see 5.0.5 looking over to something. I turn to Demencia, she's looking at it too, 5.0.5 wearing worried and heartbroken eyes, while Demencia seemed happy as usual. Turning around I could see the doctor walk out looking tired and rundown like an old building misremembered years ago. 

Something sparked from my chest... It felt... Like... Like... Warmth... I liked this new feeling... But why?

[1329 Words]

{A/N: So, I did it! I made a Paperhat story, can you believe it? Okay If you were here when I had my old ones, prompts you but hey! I made it! It took me about 20 minutes to finish. So here you go!}

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