Black And White

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After about an hour of bickering, I finally gave in. The only reason for this is because he is much more annoying than Demencia, which is possible, surprisingly. 

"B-Blackhat, sir?" Flug said quietly, "yes?" I respond with a gruff tone as if I had a sore throat. He fiddled with his gloves that were dusted with some dried oil.

"M-may I ask w-why I was in my r-room?" He said slightly looking up at me.

I sighed, wishing there was an easier way to explain this without admitting to taking him here, or I could just lie. I was tired and I didn't want to be bombarded with questions.

"5.0.5 took you in here after you passed out," I grumbled, slightly slouching, he slowly nodded and walked out of the room, some of the spiders popped out and frightened him half-to-death. The huge monsters rubbed their feet together cackling at the scared scientist, Flug huffed and started to lightly stomp out of the room. The 8-legged creatures laughed and talked before looking at me, I sent a glare their way as they backed off, eyes wide and muscles stiff as the murmured curses.

I sighed, this is just great, I thought to myself I looked at the door once more before closing it with a tentacle, I backed up to where the dusty bed sat and lowered myself to it. Once I was sitting on the bed I felt oddly tired, I yawned before laying down feeling my mind drift off, the new scent that was luckily not covered up by the dust it was sweet and smelled of fresh oil and a hint of metal. It smelt nice. Soon enough I had my eyes closed, I was taken into nothingness as I took in the same sents over and over. Everything was blank.


Now that was great fun! I chuckled to myself before I caught something blue storming out of the room, he seemed to calm down once he looked back. I strolled up to him before he turned around, he jumped in surprise. 

"S-sorry..." He said looking down at the ground, he seemed so timid and shy that it made my heart melt.

"Its quite alright, Flug, was it?" 

"Mmhm" He nodded cutely, he jumped a little at the sound of a door being closed, he turned to see that the door the three of us were in was now closed. He sighed in relief as he looked up at me again.

"Sorry, I'm not really a big fan of sounds that come out of nowhere." 

"I feel the same way, it always makes me wonder."

"Does it ever make you... S-scared in any way?..." 

I thought, my mind searching for the truth.

"Depends on what the sound is, do you?" I smiled warmly, my one sharp tooth sticking out from the more human-like ones.

"W-well, I, umm. I get-" His angelic voice was soon cut off by a high pitched female voice, I mentally groaned, but kept a pearly-white smile plastered on my face. 

"So you're Blacky's brother!" She grinned, her hands on her hips with half her body weight leaning on her left leg, along with her miss-matched eyes glimmering with determination.

I don't want to deal with this.

"Why yes! And you're Demencia, correct?" She nodded, leaving her old position and standing up straight, her left hand still on her hip, while her right one was lifted up into the air.

"Yep! And I'm glad that there's someone that I can talk too besides a carebear and a grumpy scientist!" She said happily.

"Demencia, don't you have Blackhat?" He asked slightly harsh, his bagged face noticeably scrunching up in disgust.

Note; harsh when wants to be.

"Yeah- But, I don't have anyone to talk too when he's working!" She whined, her voice becoming that 1% squeakier. 

"Since when did you care? You're always bugging him, either about how this place is so 'boring' or on how much you love him." He moved his hands to exaggerate what he was saying while rolling his white pupils as they were getting smaller out of anger. 

Note; very expressive.

"What? Are you mad that you get all the attention from Blackhat? You're blessed!" She scoffed, holding her body in frustration. 

"You call being yelled at because I don't get inventions done within impossible deadlines blessed?" He shot back his tone low and harsh, it was much harsher then I've ever heard from my brother. 

She took notice of this and backed slowly away. She looked around before running off.

Note; I need to talk with my brother.

{A/N: I wanted to take a short break with this story and wasn't expecting people to start asking about how Whitehat acts, so short story short, he's secretly a yandere, that will probably not hesitate to kill you. (?) Anyways, I hope you guys liked the chapter, it was slightly rushed and I apologize for that.)

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