Unwelcomed Fool

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I glare at him, making sure he knew that he wasn't welcome here. "Nice to see you too, Blackhat." He said innocently, acting as if he didn't walk in when I didn't welcome him in.

"Demencia!" I demanded her to come out from where she was hiding. She jumped out behind Whitehat. 

"Yeah?~" She said flirtingly, I sighed. "Did you let him in?" She nodded and kept making disgusting faces at me, making me sick. "So. Brother, how is it going with your 'business' of yours?" He asked kindly. "I should be the one asking you the questions!" I snapped back, he put his hand where his heart was, acting as if he was offended by my tone and choice of words.

"Demencia; leave." She sighed heavily, making a pouty expression. 


I heard voices coming from the side of me, my head still felt heavy, like a dump truck that was full of heavy metal materials. I slowly lift my head up from the soft but partially dusty pillow, I rub my head feeling it pound along with the beat of my heart. 

I slowly get up and hold my head, the unfamiliar voice became completely silent, as for Blackhat's voice, he kept ranting on about how the unknown person shouldn't be here. I look over to see Blackhat with a duplicate of himself but just white, blue, a lighter gray, and some other completely different colors of his pallet. The white one was looking at me with awe, seeming as if he's never seen something so... I don't know, maybe weird.

"What are you looking at now? Some bug that's crawling up a wall that you feel pity for?" He said harshly. Ouch, was that directed at me? Probably. I thought sarcastically.

"No, of course not!" The doppelganger responded back, "I was just looking at the poor kid over there on that rugged old mattress." I cringed at him calling me a "kid." 

Blackhat turned over to me, he then looked back over to the imposter. He groaned in annoyance. I slowly move my feet to the floor, he seemed nice, I guess...

"H-hello, my name is F-Flug. I'm a-actually 27." I say trying to keep my tone steady as I get up and hold out my hand, waiting for him to take it. He flushed in embarrassment, "I am so sorry! I'm Whitehat, nice to meet you!" He said smiling widely, taking my hand in the process.

"Awww, how can an angel like you work for my brother? You seem to be the polar opposite!" He said sweetly, I tilted my head to the side in confusion. Same goes for you. Blackhat growled at his statement as if he were going to tear his claws into a rabbit that was his prey.

"Why are you here anyway?" He spoke out, his scratchy voice quietly echoing throughout the room, my body twitched in fear, I couldn't stop myself from this feeling like I was being watched by millions of people. And to think, he wasn't even talking to me...

"Oh! I was hoping I could visit you!" The strange man said as he smiled widely.

"What about your workers? Aren't they supposed to come along?" Blackhat responded harshly while keeping an eye on him.

"Clemencia's on a mission to stop a villain, while Dr.Slug is working on inventions and 6.0.6 is there to clean! So I thought it would be a perfect time to visit you!" Blackhat groaned in displeasure as if he knew that his "brother" so to speak, is too pure and would never tell a lie. And from what I could tell, it was the truth. Blackhat glared while Whitehat, I believe, had a sweet innocent expression planted on his face.

This can't end well.

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