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Seokjin: Hello Joonie :) Miss me?

Namjoon: I'm at school

Seokjin: What the coincidence, so am I

Seokjin: But this lecture is reaaallly boring so yeah

Namjoon: Damn, is the community college that bad?

Seokjin: No lol. You know how well known it is~

Namjoon: Yeah, for writing. I was thinking about going there. Not just 'cause I met you. I sent in an application and everything

Seokjin: Really? If we both got in, I'd see you there. We could even be roomates!

Namjoon: Don't get ahead of yourself lol

"Namjoon? Put that phone away!"

Namjoon: gtg

As usual, Namjoon walked down to the library as soon as the school bell rang, but there was something about this walk that made it seem different from the rest. He was almost positive why.

Although he looked forward to reading, there was something else that made him even more excited to go there.

That "something else" was Seokjin. His new...friend.

He couldn't put his finger on him, or what made him so different. Jin was a walking enigma, a complete and utter puzzle. He had no intention of putting all the pieces together, because some people just can't be figured out. Jin was one of them.

Jin was interested in being his friend, which was definitely strange. But there was something about him...he couldn't help but make Namjoon smile. Namjoon had never craved someone's company as much as he had him. He never even thought about Hoseok as much as he had Jin, and it had only been a week. 

This feeling was new, and it was odd. He did not dislike it. It felt warm. Like he had someone.

Namjoon heard Jin before he saw him. That familiar laugh that couldn't help but bring him to grin just the same.

Jin was chatting with one of the librarians, who was checking out a book for him. He waved the second he saw Namjoon approaching.

"Joonie! C'mere."

 "When did we agree on that nickname?" Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"Well, it's not like you can make any good nicknames out of 'Seokjin'. I work with what I can."

"'Jinne'?" Namjoon snickered.

Jin tried to pout, but couldn't help but giggle along with him. "Say that again and I won't talk to you for a week."

"You're mean, hyung."

The librarian handed Jin a novel. "It's good to see you two becoming friends. Jin used to come in here for textbooks, then saw you. He couldn't get over your 'hair like the sun itself' or-"

"Thank you for the book," He cut her off, flustered. "See you around!"

As they walked away, Namjoon turned to him, still chuckling. "'Hair like the sun itself?'"

"I can't use similes like you!" He pouted. "And I think that blonde looks good on you."

 "If it means anything," Namjoon consoled, "I think that your black hair looks lovely."

Jin blushed. "It means a lot. Thanks, Joonie."

"For the love of-"

"What do you think of the book I got, Namjoon?"

"Eleanor and Park? Nice choice."

"I saw you checking it out and figured, why not?"

They sat down at a cozy wooden table.

"'What are the chances you'd ever meet someone like that? he wondered. Someone you could love forever, someone who would forever love you back? And what did you do when that person was born half a world away? The math seemed impossible.'" Jin read, "I like that line."

Namjoon looked up from his own novel. "Did you read ahead?"

"Oh, hush. I flipped to a random page. I just wanted to get a feel for the book. Ah, to be young and in love," He sighed in a sort of bliss. "Have you ever been in love before?"

"No," Namjoon answered simply. "Have you?"

"Not since eighth grade. Now that was a love both incredibly innocent and extraordinarily hormonal at the exact same time. He wasn't very interested in me, though."


"What happened with you two?"

"Hmm, well it somehow got out that I liked him, and middle schoolers just don't know how to keep their noses out of anyone's business. He was never interested to begin with, but now he was double-super-mega not interested, and he avoided me. And I never had a crush since," Jin said with finality. 

"Scared to love after your tragic incident?" Namjoon teased.

"Oh yes, my past is mired with scars of unrequited love, my friend. No, I just never had a crush since. Nothing more to it. Why're you looking at me like that? Is it because it was a he?"

"Huh? Oh, no, not at all. Just...'mired with scars of unrequited love'?" Namjoon cracked a grin.

"What? Oh gosh..." Jin buried his face in his hands. "You're rubbing off on me. Next thing you know, I'll be pure genius. I'll also be spilling sugar packets all over coffee tables, so there's that."

"That was an accident!"

He stuck his tongue out. "It still happened!"

Jin went back to his book, but all Namjoon could think of was the fact that his new friend was indeed in love once...with another boy. Jin liked boys. Namjoon liked boys. That was...

Not important! Who gave a damn about his sexuality? It was just another thing about Jin that made him Jin, just like how his bisexuality was just another part of Namjoon that made him Namjoon.

 Was there the distinct possibility that Jin could fall for him? Or he could in return? Or-

This was elementary. Jin was his new friend. There was no need for him to think about crushes. If he had one on him-which he didn't.

Even if Jin had talked about his hair before.

Even if he thought about Jin a lot.

He was glad to have met Jin. That was more than enough. He hadn't even wanted him to talk to him to begin with, and now he was his friend. That fact alone was something amazing, at least in his eyes.

Nevertheless, he definitely looked forward to getting to know him more. Relationships were all about that, after all.

Ah...platonic relationships.

And that's how I'd like to it stay.

Namjoon of all people should have known how love stories begin and end.

His was only just beginning. 

I Met Him in the Library-A Namjin storyWhere stories live. Discover now