C11- Truth untold

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I stare at him, convinced he wasn't going to say anything, moments passed before I realise he was waiting for me to sit down.
"Look buddy I know we just met and all but I feel like myself and Jacob dont even have this amount of awkwardness around us so if you wouldn't mind going for an explanation..."
Getting rid of the horrid silence I wait for him to start explaining whilst sinking into the couch and exhaling.

He sighs and pulls at his hair
"how's your mother?"

I stare at him confusion lacing around my eyes and captivating his stare.
"You DO realise you kidnapped me after my mom right?" I whisper yell losing patients with him and worry creeping it's way into my stomach.
He chuckles realising that I've comletely lost it with him. Does hating someone really make them happy?

" Ah right of course. She's somewhere in this house you know I'm surprised Jacob didn't tell you or George you seem to like influencing people with your 'innocence'. "

"At least I have innocence and wouldn't leave my family when If I found out they were human!" I yell at him tears of anger making its way down my cheeks as the loneliness that ive now held for 17 years escape.

He sighs. Again.

"I'm sorry... I don't know what to do in these types if situation."
"You start explaining from the beginning." I instruct him.

"I guess."

I lavish my anger through the table almost breaking it in half, he and I both jump back.

"I think you should also explain that-" I say letting my words drawl on.

He glares at me and huffs like a seven year old, " You know that table cost a lot."
Stopping my apology to the table I turn to him with a furious look, he gulps and clears his throat guess he'll need it for what was going to come up.

Third person pov: 17 years ago
He stared at her through the window of his office. The first human he ever liked and appreciated. Her hair flowed behind her back recently been turned purple at the tips. Her figure stood straight and proud she knew what she was working with yet she takes higher power than all of them. She's been working for him for 3 years now as a high secretary. This might be his last secretary in this world; due to unexpected business he was going to be sent back home. Where ever that was.

She glanced up at the window and stared directly at him. Although she couldn't see through it was as though she knew he was staring at her his stare bringing colour to her cheeks. He steps out if the office and she goes back to work, the blush slowly turning back to her pale skin.

His ruby eyes vibrant and red and exposed. She could see everything as it was, not as they wanted it to be that's what they hated not knowing how she could do that. His lean figure leened against the door frame, his hair swishing in front of his eyes covering as much sight as it could. The button down shirt strechted in an attempt to keep everything hidden and his trousers covered his legs like drooping curtains. As he walked towards her the click clacking of his shoes sent nerves down her spine and around her lungs. He was next to her in seconds...
"What about dinner at mine?"
He whispered in her ear. His voice low and smooth as if every word rehearsed countless times.

"You can cook so I can eat!"
She whisper/screeched back. The nerves that once hibernated in her stomach moments ago roared to life. He chuckles and backs her up against the wall, all of sudden everyone gone.
She gulps.
He smiles.
They exchange glances and he slowly leans down towards her mouth, her hands already around his neck pulling him closer throughout anxiety. They kiss. Slowly and passionately as though all the time in the world was theirs.
Pulling apart they smile.
"How bout lunch?" He says with a sneaky smile. She laughs at his cheekiness and they leave holding hands.
They don't come back after that day for a week.

In that week everything goes wrong:
1)The work force had no one to take charge and no one knew what to do without the Secretary and the boss.
2)the other planet began it's defending reign and it was his time to take over the throne.
3) His father came only to find his son gone. With a human. When he has an arranged marriage ready in plan.

Coming back made it worse. Not only was the father still there but the company was in chaos. The father found out about the boys secret relationship and immediately made sure that was stopped without knowing that that woman had his grandchild.
The man too busy for his secret relationship, after his father's words, didn't see the girl until the last day. The day he was in the bubble slowly floating away from the one he really loved.


"So you see I didn't know about you until I was officially blocked away from that world. When I tried going back I was hit unconscious and electrocuted as punishment. My father still hasn't forgiven me for the accident." He finishes off.

I hold on to the pillow I was given, self hate and loathing towards my grandfather emerge into me and I instantly start having my previous thoughts. Hatred towards myself. All these years I've been hating on him, cursing him for his stupidity and trying to forget about him whilst he's been here living his life only knowing he had a child and couldn't take care of it.

I stand up and run up to him crying into his shoulders he tenses up for a bit then immediately puts his arms around me. Guilt chokes me as I sob harder into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Pai." I choke out to him.
( pai=dad in portuguese)

He pats my shoulders and slowly I remove myself from him.

"You became a lot like your mother." He sighs.
"But I can see you're mostly me because hellllooooo!" He yells pointing up and down at his body. I laugh feeling relieved.

He puts a hand on my shoulder and says the words all the father's of my friends said to them at graduation.
"You've done amazing sweetie."

Crying again. But for happiness has never been a feeling I've felt. I'm joyful he was the first person to do that.

Look at that humans I'm back probably worse but hey I'm back.

I will be editing this chapter looking for mistakes and then comeback however I thought I should update after realizing I have like 3 extra chapters.
I hope you guys enjoy this.

Barbara out

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