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Okay fake Barbie or not I would still it rather be her then me.
Like im to young to die I haven't even watched BTS' MVs yet. Like I haven't seen spider man slay or superman defeat Batman there's a longer list people.

Who in the name of Mr Cheese decided it was a good idea to kidnap me? The idea that my father did this isn't that surprising anymore.

Hearing a creak I mutter "maybe I should've oiled the door and not the bread," with an eye role i look up and see my girl, "What's up hoe?" Even though she put me in a dark room I could still tell it was her from her figure:bulky but thin everything any mundane would want. I could tell she was wearing her short, red skirt with what I presume to be her black swimsuit shirt underneath and the thing she won't ever be caught dead without her famous black leather jacket.

"What on the name of cheesy land are you doing wearing my highheeled black boots that slay life itself?" I question her, she stays still until "How on-"
"don't question it just answer it."

I say before she could question me and change subjects. She sighs "that's seriously all you want to know? Don't you want to know why I'm here? Why your here?" She asks incredulously.

I tell her to turn on the light she does, "OMO THOSE AREN'T EVEN THE 6 WEEK OLD ONES THOSE ARE THE ONES I BOUGHT 3 DAYS AGO. WHAT ARE THEY DOING ON YOUR FeeT?" I exclaim dragging her to the bed by her hair, she screams on the way there and let me say it was 3 steps. She starts screaming sorry but they land on deaf ears, I turn a blind eye to her when she sits on the bed and start undoing her-my boots.

"I don't know who on earth gave you permission to go into my house let alone my room when I was not there!"
I'm not mad.
I'm not mad at all.
I'm just so done.

Im hangry.
I'm tired.
And im hungry.

I look at her once the boots are on my feet and my converse are on the floor besides her feet, she goes to put her feet in it "Aish just what do you think your doing." I yell quickly moving to hug my shoes instead.  She sighs and looks exhausted I move to sit next to her. "Hey how are you? And what are you doing here?"

She chuckles and looks at me with tears lining her waterline she puts her hands on my shoulder and I look at her confused a question suddenly poping in my head "Your not gay right? OMO I'M SO PROUD YOU CAME OUT WITH IT I THOUGH I WAS GONNA HAVE TO GET THAT OUT OF YOU MYSELF AN-"

OH... well life goes on.

I hum Scooby Doos theme song out loud and wait for her to speak. I feel an elbow nudge "shut it."


"Jess," I look at her, the circles under my eyes a dark blue and my clothes torn and wet, my hair out of the ponytail I put it in to cook (a girls got to have  hygiene) ,and my lips chapped and ready to crumble my tired eyes meet her and she sighs.
" do you have asthma?" I question she groans and falls back on the bed.
What? Did I do something?

"Jess your dad's alive" "yeah I know"
"You know?"  I look at her in shock. Now I might act dumb and shit but my IQ is really high. "Did we not go to school together? Do you think I'm that dumb that I wouldn't figure out who did this? Giiiirrrrllll we need a girls night again."

She looks shocked.

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