Chapter 6

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Harry winced at Professor Snapes loud shout towards the group of first years. He marched towards them and stopped just before he had knocked into Harry. Towering over him, Snape said; "Come with me Potter. No one else follow." Harry looked at Snape, then at the ball in his hands and as they were walking passed, slipped it to Hermione, with the unspoken message to give it back to Neville. Hermione smiled slightly, as the two Slytherin walked towards the castle, the younger one having to jog to keep up with the older one.

Soon they were outside a classroom, Charms, Harry recalled, and a large boy, with a weird scent about him, walking out with Snape. They walked into a small unused classroom, Snape sitting then offering the two boys the same courtesy. They each took a seat, before looking at the head of house.
"I'm sorry, sir, but I am wondering why you have called me here? Especially with Potter." The boy asked. Harry looked as if he knew the answer, but had an air of curiosity around him.
"Flint, I saw Potter here fly on a broom and I know your seeker this year was having some school and family issues. He would be more than up for the job. He caught a rememberall after a fifty foot dive." The boy, Flint, looked at Harry, as though eyeing his size, before turning back to the teacher.
"He's got the size right, and he'll be on the team if he has the talent. Ever seen a game of quidditch Potter?" Flint kept calm, though has a sense of excitement in his eyes. Harry shook his head, worried they would want to know why. Snape looked to the young boy.
"Was that your first time on a broom, Potter?" Harry nodded.
"Right, practice starts on Saturday, Come half an hour before the rest of the team and I'll show you what you need to know." Harry nodded and Snape waved for Flint to get out. Harry braced himself, expecting the worst and still not really knowing what either of the two elder Slytherins were talking about.
"Potter can you please explain to me what happened? Were you trying to show off?" Snape snapped. Harry shook his head trying to look into Snapes glare.
"No professor, Malfoy and Weasley were arguing, Malfoy had Neville's rememberall and they both flew up into the air. I followed, trying to make sure neither boy nor rememberall were hurt. They were taunting each other then Malfoy threw the rememberall, I just tried to catch it. I gave it back to Hermione to give to Neville after you came." He gulped, gathering as much courage as he could and looking into the eyes of the man in front of him.
"That was very good flying Potter. You father was an excellent flyer, though a chaser for Gryffindor instead of a seeker for Slytherin. Additionally your mother would be very proud of how you are trying to unite the school." Harry looked momentarily shocked, before he slipped back into his emotional mask that Daphne, Blaise and Theo has taught him and Tracey.
"Thank you professor, that means a lot to me." Snape gave a curt nod.
"I shall see about getting you a broom. Professor Dumbledore may be able to bend the first year rule of not having brooms. You are allowed to tell your Slytherin friends only but to those outside of our house, you shall have to say that I have given you detention for a week. Stay inside the common room after dinner, and if you need a Book from the library ask one of your friends to get it. Now get out of my sight." Harry nodded and went to find his friends, who would be in the common room. He sat on the sofa next to Tracey, and called them all to talk.
"So what did Professor Snape say?" Blaise asked, expecting Harry to have detention, or worse.
"I've got a trial for the quidditch team." Harry whispered. He knew the Slytherins could know, but would rather not be the centre of attention for as long as he could possibly be.
"Are you kidding?!?" Daphne whisper shouted. She was a very big quidditch fan, as was her sister Astoria. Harry shook his head.
"Professor Snape says that if I make it he'll ask Dumbledore to break the no brooms for first year rule." They looked even more shell shocked.
"But we cant tell anyone. Professor Snape says it has to stay between Slytherins. I have to be in the common room after dinner so it can look like he gave me a detention." The others nodded and settled down to their books, having completed the homework, ages ago. Harry meanwhile had to finish one more piece - herbology - his worst subject.

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