Chapter 9

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"Come in." Snape barked, looking up from the essay he was marking. It just so happens that the person who's essay is marking was the same one as the boy who was leading his friends in behind him.
"What do you want?" He asked, a hint of curiosity mixed in with his normal tone.
"We heard the weasley boy and his two companions talking while we were doing some homework....." Tracey started in an answering voice.
"They were talking about what happened on Halloween as well as the abandoned third floor corridor...." Daphne continued on. Blaise picked up where she trailed off.
"On the third floor they had seen someone, who they assumed was you, fighting with a three headed dog, or a Cerberus."
"They also mentioned that hagrid had told them that someone named Nicholas Flamel, the maker of the philosophers stone was involved." Theo continued leaving Harry to connect the dots.
"So the philosophers stone is being protected by the Cerberus in the three floor corridor, and probably some other protections as well. It is not wanted by you, but quirrell who they said they also saw and who cursed me on my broom in my first quidditch match." Snape took all this information in very quickly. He knew that if five first years could figure out what was going on, even if they were smart, then the Stone not safe.
"I shall have to inform headmaster Dumbledore of your knowledge." They shared and glanced and all nodded. After all, if Dumbledore knew, then there'd be a higher chance of him believing them if they said anything.
"Thank you. The stone will not be safe now, as you have all figured it out." Snape nodded at the five, before they left his office in silence. They walked into the great hall for lunch, and were surprised to see Harry hit with a spell. He looked at the direction the spell came from and the Slytherin table - coming to a conclusion very quickly.
"Hmm..... Gryffindor robes? And crimson and gold hair?" He asked his friends. They nodded. He tried to think for a minute as he watched the rest of the quidditch team try to take the spells off themselves. An idea lit up in his mind.
"Trace, use the counter curse on me discreetly when we sit down." The girl next to him nodded, performing the counter curse under the table with a muttered 'finite.' A conforming nod from Blaise and Theo showed Harry that's his theory had worked. He saw a flash of bright colours from the corners of his eyes and saw the remaining two members of his team getting hit. The captain, Flint, walked up to Harry, with the rest of the team followed behind him. He raised his eyebrow ever so slightly, and Harry answered the unasked question.
"Have someone without the curse counter." If any of them were surprised or offended, their masks perfectly covered up any emotion they might have felt. They each turned to their best friends - or strongest alliance, as any pure blood would say - and asked to them to cast the spell that would remove the colour form the hair and the robes changing back to that of Slytherin. One minute later all seven of the quidditch team were smirking slightly, as they heard they Weasley twins complaining loudly about a ruined prank.

Over Christmas, Harry was the only Slytherin staying, and the only first year besides Weasley. He knew that it was only the Weasley's in gryffindor as well as two ravenclaws and three hufflepuffs. Harry also knew that he wanted revenge on the Weasley twins - but he had to wait for the right moment to strike. On Christmas Eve, he decided to pull the pranks the next day. He went down to the dungeons and knocked on his head of houses office door. He was greeted with a quick 'enter' from the potions master of hogwarts. The man was marking an essay, so Harry simply waited until he was permitted to sit down. Severus looked up from his work and gestured to the man who was a mystery to him, to sit down. Harry James Potter wasn't anything like his father except in looks, nothing like the picture Albus had portrayed of him. It was Albus who had told him that Harry was growing up spoilt, as a matter of fact. He would have to think upon that later. For now he turned his mind towards the boy who sat in front of him.
"I am sure you have heard about the prank that the two Weasley twins had tried to play on the team, professor?" Harry inquired, receiving only a single, swift nod in response. He continued, his plan swirling around his head.
"Is there possibly a potion I could use to make it so the twins could only speak in French for a certain period of time? And maybe one to charm all their robes to slytherins for the rest of the holidays?" Harry asked. The professor looked curiously at Harry, and those eyes met him head on. He was overwhelmed by the amount of power he could feel in those eyes - just like he had with Lily. He nodded and pulled two sheets of paper out of his desk.
"All the ingredients are in your student stores and they will only take an hour each. The potions lab is free for the rest of the day." Harry nodded, smirking his thanks, and left the room bewildering the professor even more. Snape began to picture Harry as not the son of his arch nemesis - but not the son of his love. He thought of him as the person who was gearing up to change the wizarding world. And he would be someone snape wouldn't mind standing behind.

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