Chapter 3

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During Charms, Harry and Blaise worked together, both successfully understanding the work that they had to accomplish and also earned five points each for their house. They each smiled proudly while the Hufflepuffs blatantly ignored them. Since both Harry and Blaise had finished early, they decided to go and introduce themselves to the Hufflepuffs. Flitwick did not mind as long as no fighting was brought out of it. As refreshing as it was to see the lack of boundaries the two boys carried, he kept a well trained eye on them, willing a fight not to break out.

The only ones that were not slightly glaring at them were Susan Bones and Hannah Abott, both of whom were pure bloods. Both boys were quite surprised, though hid it well and went to warmly introduce themselves to the two Hufflepuffs. Harry went to Susan and Blaise to Hannah.
"Hello, my name is Harry Potter." Harry held his hand out to Susan, who took it, although cautious. Harry understood this and did not ridicule her for it.
"I'm Susan, Susan Bones."
"It's a pleasure to meet you Susan." Harry bowed to her slightly, taking her hand and gently pressing his lips on it. He may not have grown up like he should've done, but in the past two days he had picked up a lot from his house mates.
"And you, Harry." Susan said, standing up to curtesy to the man in front of her. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you and your friend talking to Hannah and I? It doesn't seem like a very Slytherin thing to do." She asked, inviting Harry to sit in the spare seat next to her. Harry sat down and saw that Blaise was having a similar conversation with Hannah.
"Well Susan, our group of friends aren't like any other Slytherins. We believe that there should be no rivalry between houses, at least not this much of it. Friendly Competition is fine, however physically hurting someone because of their house is not good." Harry smiled at her. "So that's why Blaise and I have introduced ourselves to you and Hannah. We want to change the way people look at things, at least in first year." Susan smiled shyly, though Harry could see her eyes were shining with admiration.
"Susan?" Harry asked, seeing Susan was a bit dazed.
"Sorry Harry. Yes?"
"Would you like me to introduce you to my other friends, I'm positive you'd get along great." Susan nodded strongly, wanting to help this boy change Hogwarts forever. However she had one last question.
"Harry, are you friends with all the first year Slytherins?" She was very wary of Draco Malloy and Pansy Parkinson, both of whom she had met when going to formal dinners with her aunt Amelia Bones, head of the Department Of Magical Law Enforcement, and any time they spent together was forced, disliked by both sides.
"No. My friends are Blaise Zabini, who is currently talking to your friend, Hannah I believe, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis and Theodore or Theo Nott." Susan nodded. She hoped they would accept her.

They walked towards the table of five where Harry and his friends were sitting. In their room last night, while Draco and his bodyguards were asleep, Theo had admitted to Blaise and Harry that he had agreed with them. Both boys welcomed him with open arms.  He looked out of the corner of his eye and saw that both Blaise and Hannah were behind him, Hannah wearing a similar worried expression.
"Hey guys, you done yet?" Harry called out to his friends. They all nodded, having completed the spell a few moments before Harry and Blaise with Susan and Hannah came towards them.
"Good. I want you to meet two people. This is Susan Bones." He said, introducing the girl he had been speaking with.
"And this is Hannah Abott." Hannah and Susan both curtsied to the three Slytherin while Daphne and Tracey stood up, returning the action and Theo bowed to them, taking each hand and kissing it slightly, like Harry and Blaise had both done. Suddenly, Harry felt a small tap on is shoulder to see all of the other Hufflepuffs standing behind him and Blaise. They were huddled together and looked slightly nervous, however when Harry did turn around, one of the boys introduced himself followed by everyone else.
"Hello. My name is Ernie MacMillan. We noticed you being nice to Susan and Hannah and were very surprised. However we are hoping to put house grievances beside, to get to know you before we judge you." Ernie said. Harry smiled. It seemed like they were not the only ones who were changing. That lesson, Harry knew he had made seven lifelong fiends in Susan Bones, Hannah Abott, Ernie MacMillan, Leanna Moon, Megan Jones, Justin Finch-Fetchley and Wayne Hopkins.

The next period was History of Magic, which they had with Ravenclaws. They did the same thing that lesson, and soon they had more people on board than they had ever thought possible. Harry and his friends had met Mandy Brocklehurst, Padma Patil, Su Li, Lisa Turpin, Morag Macdougal, Michael Corner, Terry Boot, Anthony Goldstein, Kevin Entwhistle and Stephen Cornfoot.

That evening the First year Ravenclaws, Slytherin And Hufflepuffs were mixed up, everyone sitting with new friends they had made. Daphne and Tracey had introduced the girls and Blaise and Theo had introduced the boys while Harry was talking and almost arguing with Draco. Harry walked back to his friends and they decided to have half the group sit on the Ravenclaw table and half on the Hufflepuff table, since the Slytherins wouldn't like Muggle borns and blood traitors sitting at their table. They had decided to leave Gryffindor to come up by themselves, since most of the first years heavily believed in the house rivalry. However Parvati Patil had been persuaded by her sister and said she would work on the rest of them.

The teachers watched, extremely shocked, although all smiling. At the same time they all came to the same conclusion - Hogwarts was never going to be the same again, for the better, not the worst.

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