Chapter 7: Broken hearts and double-identity jerks

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I still couldn't get my mind around the fact about what Ryan was saying. He knew about Samantha's plan, and what she was planning on doing. It was only then, after that moment, that I saw hope in bringing her down, but also the hope of finally putting sense into Anthony's square head, not that he had a physical square head, but you know what I mean.

"So you're saying, that all this time, all these days that I've been suffering and mourning, you knew abut Samantha?" I asked skeptically "No offense man, but I've always thought you were a jerk. I always thought you would just become Samantha's puppet"

He raised his eyebrows, accepting the challenge.

"Well thanks for the compliment" I blushed at that. I always said stupid things when people surprised me out of nowhere, you know, specially jerks that always hide in the spotlight "but anyways, I always knew about her plan. You know, I've known Samantha for a long time now, and so have you, and she had a tough childhood story, and she had problems, that led her to what she is planning on doing. Her young issues, led her to doing these terrible things, I knew her before she turned into the ice queen of the school." He narrated carefully, picking out his words cautiously.

Curiosity was eating me alive "What problems? What could've been so terribly traumatic to lead her into using and dumping people and friends all at once?"

He paused, absorbing the question. It was interesting watching him think. You would always think he was this cliche type of football player who was at the edge of failing high school, but deep inside, I could tell there was something more to him, something that made him the character he was. But unfortunately, since I had a lack of interest in him, I still didn't know that mystery character just yet. But maybe I would soon.

"Well, when she was 5..." He couldn't finish the sentence, for Mark, who I had forgotten was standing right next to us, still standing impatiently, interrupted him.

"You see, we were talking here, you can't just snatch her like that." His arms were crossed across his chest, alert to what Ryan's response might be.

"Well, I don't know what you might want to talk about, but I think this is far more important." he replied, looking at Mark straight in the eyes "I am aware you may know about this whole Samantha issue, but your help isn't useful here, Mark. And Avril, "he turned to me "I don't know if you have noticed, but this guy is Anthony's best friends, I don't understand how you can still trust him..."

At that, the story Mark had told me about him, the one about Andy and him falling for a girl that remained unnamed, and then I realized why I trusted him. But, everything was bizarre right know... Ryan, who I had always thought was a complete jerk-off, was now the person who was unravelling all of Samantha's secret straight on my face. I started to question how much I could trust Mark. It was a fact that he had come out of nowhere, claiming he could help me, claiming he knew how I felt.

"I mean seriously Avril, Mark barely knows anything about how you feel, even less about Samantha and what a bitch she can tend to be. I'm closer to her, I'm closer to Anthony, more than you think, and I know how it feels to be alone" he looked at me, and I could notice his gaze act persuasive, trying to convince me to trust him instead of Mark.

But what about English? What if Ryan was right and all that had happened back in class was just an act? What if the whole phone call, this whole story about Andy was just something made up? It could be a possibility, but deep inside, I knew it was a possibility I didn't want to believe.

"Mark, look, I know you, but..." I sighed, trying to sort out my thoughts. Deep inside I knew I was making a stupid decision anyways, but maybe this was the best. Maybe Ryan was the best answer to this question. "But I think Ryan knows best... He sent the message, and he is closer to Samantha after all. I really appreciate your help, I really do, but I think I need to confront Samantha with her own weapons"

I could notice disappointment in his eyes, as his shoulders deepened inwards, as if he had been defeated somehow. Ryan looked triumphant. I never knew he wanted to bring Samantha down so bad.

I walked away, trying to settle down again. After all, it was a lot of things to take in, but right now, even though I was getting help from Ryan, I did need some space.

At the back of my head, behind my back, I could hear a whisper

"Thanks for not fighting, man, you know, I though you would fight a bit harder for that beautiful ass"

I think I was going crazy.


Hehe, I know it's a short chapter, but i still hope it wasn't too bad for you guys... Anyways, comment what you thought, and also tell me if you are team Mark or team Ryan...

Well, see ya next time! :)

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