Chapter 9: Dissecting hearts

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Something kept on gnawing at my mind. Probably the fact of the more than fifty percent chance that I had made a seemingly stupid decision. I wouldn't be surprised. Ryan was a jerk after all, with his confident stance and pouting lips (I know, since when do hot guys pout their lips) and high brand clothes and expensive cars and everything that came with the package. But the way his blue celestial eyes had sparkled, his certainty that he would convince me and the way his forehead had crinkled into a frown made something shift in my thinking gears.

But maybe those gears needed some oiling. Or maybe not. Yes.

And that's an example of what I was thinking now in Biology class as we watched a tutorial on how to dissect a sheep heart. Maybe someone needed to dissect my heart to determine what was going on.

Something's wrong with me

My head was rested on my hand as a curtain of blonde locks covered my eyes. Ryan was already staring and peeking glances at me every minute that ticked by. I know I had chosen him but that didn't allow him to act stalky. Not that it bothered me...

The lights were dimmed as weak sun rays creeped into the class through the blinds. Artificial plants hung from the ceiling as our biology teacher believed this encouraged us to get an organic feeling of biology, the key to life. More like the key to sleep.

Using the scalp and the surgeon's scissors, cut through the skin. Once that step is completed, take the sharp surgeon's knife and cut the heart in half so that each half portrays all the heart chambers.

The tutorial kept on rolling as half the class was falling asleep or having their stomachs rumble with sickness. However, my stomach was gurgling and protesting not because of the video but because the biggest jerk in school had offered to help me bring down my worst enemy.

Something brushed past my arm, making a shiver run down my spine.

At first I thought it had been the metal-framed window since it constantly kept on slamming open by itself but as I turned my head to confirm my suspicions, I saw an athletic hand rested on my forearm.


"What do you want?" I mouthed, taking this as an other occasion he would take advantage of to molest me. I snatched my arm away, still having my skin tingle were his fingers had previously been.

"To talk."

"How are we going to talk while the teacher is scanning us like an angry bulldog? Are you crazy?" I silently snapped back at him.

His head nodded in disagreement as he crossed his toned arms across his body. His brown hair playfully fell on his eyes as his fingers drummed impatiently on the table. His eyes flinched in concentration.

That gaze, that look. I knew what he was doing. He was planning something and my woman sixth sense was telling me that whatever it was meant no good.

Once you have the two halves resting on your hands, take the worksheet and begin fulfilling all the requirements for the task...

Once the voice from the video finished reciting that line, Ryan put a hand on his stomach as his body jerked forwards folding in half. His face lost color. The rest of the class turned towards him, curious about what on Earth could be happening to one of the most popular guys in school.

Rachel Tomaway, who was indiscreetly chewing bubble gum took the luxury to pull out her phone and take several photos from different angles of Ryan. I had the temptation to so the same as her but maybe that wasn't the best thing to do right now.

"Oh for Darwin's sake, can someone go to the nurse with Ryan?" Our biology teacher pleaded as she muttered something under her breath about throwing up in the hallway and the evolution of teenagers.

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