Chapter 4: I hate em' lovebirds

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After that talk, I considered my mom a fairy godmother. Only she was one that didn't have the power to make the 'happy' couple break up. Right now, honestly, I was simply at the stage where I was still trying to get my head around the fact that I had lost Anthony. I had lost these two pointless years of ongoing friendship. Again, ughhh, men.

I walked up the stairs to my room, without having clear what I'd plan on doing. I quickly jumped into the shower and when I was done, I went on my phone only to find out I had a text from Mark. He was getting kind of stalky.

It said "Hey, sorry I hung up earlier. :p. Anyways, hope to see you tomorrow at school!"

I didn't know Mark was the type of guy who would post smiley faces. Then again Anthony did that too, so I took it as a sign that he wasn't gay, I mean, wouldn't want to hang around lesbo kids. I sat on my chair as I slouched back and forth, replaying in my mind how tomorrow could be. Endless possibilities crossed my mind:

One could be that Anthony and Samantha made out in biology class as Mrs. Martin explained human anatomy. Ok, I was secretly hoping that really wouldn't happen, not because I already hated them enough, but because my lab partner sat next to Samantha so I wouldn't want to put my notebook were her butt had been seconds ago.

The other was that they broke up because Anthony found out what a hollow bitch Samantha had turned out to be, or maybe vice versa. This possibility was my favorite. It could possibly solve everything.

The third one was that Anthony broke up with Samantha and then asked me out, as he realized that I was the one and only for him. Ehhh, wouldn't maybe really want that to happen.

Then I had this vision in my head, which even surprised me... I was standing in the middle of the hallway, wrapping my arms around myself, softly sobbing as I stared at the ground. When I looked up, I could hear footsteps rapidly approaching me, and then I saw myself staring at a dark tall skinned boy that had defined biceps and hazel eyes that shinned when he met my gaze. He came closer to me, wrapped his arms around me and then softly brushed my lips...


No, that seemed stupid, me and Mark were friends and I knew he was just helping me, and I should leave it there and simply stay thankful that he was supporting me... Yeah no reason to make that vision come true.

I realized it was getting late, and I felt sleep heavy on my eyelids, so I just slid into bed to thrift of into an endless sleep, as I put my money on what could possibly happen tomorrow...


I woke up as the sun rays hit my face like a slap. I had been so lost in thought last night that I had forgotten to close the blinds. Such a bright girl.

I raced to my closet as I randomly pulled out a tank top and a pair of ripped-off jeans and boots. The smell of pancakes and freshly squeezed orange juice hung in the air. I made my way down the stairs to find my mom smiling at me as she handed me a plate with pancakes and Nutella.

I gulped everything down, and since I was already running late I ran to the bus stop and hopped on to later on arrive at school.

Out the window, I could notice Anthony and Samantha holding hands while they kissed against the wall. Ok, that was getting way over disgusting, I mean, c'mon, get a room.

At the other side if the parking lot, I noticed Mark, and I couldn't help but feel my heart jumping upside down. What's was that about?

I raced towards him.

"Hey, sup?"

"Nothin' much, just getting to school, what's your first lesson" he looked at me straight in the eyes and I couldn't help but feel my legs turn into jelly... Those beautiful hazel eyes... I made myself snap out of it 'Samantha, stop it!'.

"Ummm, English"

"Kwel, me too. Walk together?" He asked in a monotone.

"Suuuuuure" I extended the u as I discretely looked over my shoulder to the lovebirds. Yep, still kissing.

The bell rang and students started to make their way into the building. I then received a text as I could feel my phone buzzing near my thigh. I pulled it out and found myself staring at a notice of a voice message. I frowned. Unknown contact.

I started listening to it and brought my phone near my ear. What could this possibly be about?

'I bet you won't even last two weeks with him, he is soooo disgusting, and let me tell you Sammy, you won't have it easy with that Avril crawling up his back'

'I know, I know' replied a very familiar voice. Sam-bitch. 'But I got more charms than her, it'll be a piece of cake, believe me. So let me repeat the deal. I date him, get him to get me my Cotillion dress, get him to Cotillion, win queen bee, dump him and then get Ryan all for myself. He'll be so jealous. Oh yeah, and you will owe me 50 bucks' I could almost hear her smiling across the screen.

'I though that we had promised 40 bucks' argued the other voice. It sounded familiar, but I just couldn't quite place my finger on it.

'It's 50, you jackass. Anyways, it's a perfect plan. Just need to get that Avril out of the way. I still can't believe she's been my friend all this time and she even thought I didn't knew she liked him. She always puts it so easy.'

I could hear the other voice giggle.

So this was her plan. Hurt me and Anthony all in one shot. So she had a secret identity no one knew about, not even Anthony.

But why should I care? Anthony didn't care about me, so why should I warn him now?

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