Chpater 10: No heads or tails

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I know this might not seem very sophisticated or even feminine from me, but all I could really think of right now was 'FUCK!'. Not that I didn't get the plan. That wasn't it. The swearing was all due to the fact that I had no where near an idea of how I would convince Anthony.

The last time I had talked to him stretched back for days now, and even though it hadn't been a long while, it still seemed like an eternity. It's like all those days we hadn't been together our friendship and really, any personal relationship we had towards each other, had vanished with each public make-out session him and Samantha had. You think you would get used to it after a while, but the water-clear image is still disturbing.

The real problem was that any approach towards Anthony would look as a disguised attempt of trying to get him all to myself. In his eyes that is. Samantha would only interpret my words as an act of jealousy and a desire for cat fighting. Not that wouldn't be interesting. I could t desire anything more right now than letting my nails grow long and scrapping that smirk off her face with my bare hands.

See? She's turning me into herself. And I haven't even been around her guts lately.

"Avril-pie, are you listening up? I really hope you aren't wafting away all the words that leave my luscious lips." A voice echoed inside my head, yanking me without mercy out of my day dream.

Everything was coming back. The blinding examination light of the nurse's office, Ryan faking a sick and blank face to attempt and pull off his puking act, and the nurse leaving the office to retrieve a medicine that would be eventually overlooked by Ryan's body. He sure knew how to build quite a show. Experience, I presume.

Wait a second - he just called me April-pie. I can say I'm not fond of the new nick name.

"Ryan..." I tried rolling my eyes, but I settled that it would only show him how annoyed I was with him. That's we wanted to do; to grab me by the ass every single second he stood by me. I just clasped my hands tightly behind my back, restraining my big mouth of blurting out an already-cooking insult.

The door slid open. A pair of white Keds marched into the infirmary.

"Sorry, kiddos. I'll be back in just a couple more minutes. Apparently, the doctor's wife has been cheating on him and is now a hot mess. The poor man barely remembers his last name." She shook her head from side to side, and stepped outside once more, her brunette curls swaying from side to side.

I looked back to Ryan. I almost let out an alarmed gasp slip out. He was checking our school nurse out. The nurse. For God's sake. Real puke was now forming inside me.

"Out of all people, you had to look down at the school nurse's ass? You're sick." I looked him in the eye. I still don't understand how he can manage to be such a jerk.

"What April-pie? Are you jealous I wasn't looking at you or what? I'm not a Puck kind of guy that's going to sperm her up."

"Puck?... Wait, you don't watch Glee, do you?"

He pursed his lips together.

And it was that moment I knew I had a weapon. I had just found myself a fan-boy.

"Just, April." His eyes turned him down. "Can we forget about it? The point here is not what ridiculous TV show I like - or not- to watch, rather what you are going to do about Anthony."

His stuck up smirk was challenging me again. His brows arched in a perfectly sculpted curve and just builder on that jerk-ass expression he was working on.

And truth be told, and as I said before, I didn't even have the slightest idea of what I was going to do. So that's what it told him in response.

"You seriously haven't the slightest idea of your next move?!" He exclaimed, and I could see something in his eyes that sort of wanted to rip my head off. Honestly, I didn't even get why he was so into this, after the all, the only person around here that was going to get something out of this crap load plan was me.

"Dude, stop it with the questions," I demanded. He was t anyone to boss me around, when after all, I was the lab rat. But then something gurgled inside me. "Why do you even want to bring down Samantha so bad, anyways? It's not like she even did something to you," looking at his face I noticed his features weren't getting ready to fire back. In fact he looked taken aback.

So I continued.

"She never even did anything to her. On the other hand, you would win from this whole thing that went down, you would get yourself a slut to have in your bed. Why lose that benefit, you'd get your reputation, you'd be..."

"Avril!" Out of anyone that he could've he expressed, he surprisingly showed hurt.

An awkward silence fell down. My lips were sealed together, I couldn't look at him in the eyes. Whatever was hiding behind those eyes, I could tell it was something delicate.

"Avril," he muttered softly, barely audible "It's not about what I'd get. It has never been about me, it has always been about you. Always has and always will."

I looked up, and I couldn't help but look down at his lips. I do t know if it had been me, but the lights were dimmer, all the light focusing on his face.

I got cold feet. He had pretty messy hair, but it was sandy, almost as if it were demanding to be brushed down and then ruffled. His high cheeks stood out, sharpening his face into perfect proportions. And his lips...

"Samantha... She, no, we- we have a complicated past. Never had it easy. She's done unquestionable things that have hurt and I'm not the kind of guy that lets that through. And I want to help."

Where had this Ryan come from? Was he playing at me or just showing what hid behind that football helmet?

He took a step forward. "Seeing you were somewhat a damsel in distress, I guess I came to the rescue. And, Avril, you just took me by surprise. I thought you were this girl I had all mapped out, but you... You're not who I thought you were." I took a step forward.

His beach-like smell impregnated the room, flooded the office and embraced me like a warm blanket. His arms looked more welcoming than ever. His eyes sparkled like bright starts in the sky.

"And is that a good thing?" I interrogated as my heart began thrumming inside my chest. All I could see was him.

He just nodded. He needed no words.

We were inches apart. It took no time.

It just happened.


Hey guys :) So I just wrote this little chapter to carry on with the story... Please let me know in the comment section below what your thoughts on Ryan are! (and if you like this new side of him). I'd love to know ;)

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