Chapter Seven

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A week after Stephen's promise, and Evanora was still in the penthouse. Things were a bit better now, though. Stephen was keeping the two away from each other and if Evanora said something nasty to Rachael he'd stick up for her. He had been making trips to the Sanctum to arrange things for Evanora's move with Wong.

It was all these reasons that made Rachael so confused when Jessica texted her and asked if they could meet. So after rehearsal, Rachael headed back to Alias Investigations to see what her husband had been up to. Like last time, Malcolm was the one to usher her inside.

Jessica was sitting at her desk again. Rachael didn't even attempt a handshake this time, she just prepared herself to hear about her husband cheating on her. Jessica got out a file and took out some pictures in it. She handed them over to Rachael, who flipped through them.

"I can't find any evidence that he's cheating," Jessica said. "If he was, especially since this woman is living in your house, he'd get to doing something right after you left."

Rachael nodded as she looked through. She felt like an idiot. How could she have thought so little of Stephen? Now she'd carry this guilt of hiring a P.I. to investigate him for the rest of her life. She handed the pictures back to the Jessica.

"Thank you. Sorry for wasting your time, I just...I feel like such an idiot now," she muttered.

Jessica gave no indication that she sympathized or disagreed with Rachael. "I take cash or checks."

"Yes, of course." Rachael dug through her purse. "How much will it be?"

After being told the amount, Rachael wrote Jessica a check. "Thank you, Miss Jones."

"If you're this worried, get to a marriage counselor," Jessica said, putting it in her pocket. Rachael winced slightly.

"Er, I'll think about that. Thanks." With that, she left.

God, she was such an idiot. She should have given Stephen more credit than this. She debated whether or not she should tell him. He'd just get angry if she did, so maybe it was best not to. Still, just as a private "I'm sorry" present, she'd stop by the Mexican restaurant he liked and pick up dinner. Rachael got out her phone and called Stephen.

"Hey, sweetheart," he said when he picked up. Rachael felt another flash of guilt.

"Hi. I'm stopping by that Mexican place that you like to get food. What do you want?"

Stephen was silent for a minute. "What did you do?"

"Nothing," Rachael lied. "I just want to treat you."

"You hate Mexican food," Stephen said.

"I'll pick up McDonald's for me or something." Rachael shrugged. "Now, do you want the Mexican food or not?"

Stephen chuckled before telling her what he wanted. They said their goodbyes and hung up as Rachael pulled into the restaurant's parking lot.


Stephen hung up and put his phone down before smiling. He'd been getting back on track with being a better husband lately. It seemed like Rachael was happier, so that was definitely good. Now if only he could convince Wong to take Evanora...

Speak of the devil. The Sorceress Supreme wandered into the room, stretching and yawning. She'd slept late, Stephen noted. Very late.

"Good evening." He smiled. "You slept late."

"I suppose it's an effect of my magic being drained," Evanora murmured.

"Maybe, although I don't feel tired." Stephen shrugged. "Then again, you've had yours your whole life. I've only had mine a few years."

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