Chapter Ten

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Stephen collapsed on the ground, sweating and shuddering, as Asriel finally let him out of his trance. He hated this, hated it with a burning passion. 

It had been days. Stephen didn't know the exact number, but he assumed that it had been at least a week of the same routine. Every morning, Asriel would come and wake him up, put him under her spell, force him to teach her the secrets of his magic, make him practice the spells until he was about to pass out from exhaustion, then throw him back in his cell with some disgusting food and dirty water. The first time Stephen had eaten the food, he'd thrown up so he'd decided not to do that again. 

Asriel stood outside the cell with her arms crossed. "You should eat something. You're getting too weak."

Stephen shook his head. "I'm fine."

"Eat." Asriel's eyes narrowed. 

"I said no," Stephen pushed himself up on shaking legs. All he wanted was some pizza. Was that really too much to ask?

Asriel held out her arm, grinning sadistically. "Eat. Now."

Stephen was too weak to even attempt to fight her invasion of his mind. She forced him to eat every last bite of whatever it was she'd brought him. It was slimy and black and disgusting, and he couldn't help feeling like this was payback for what he'd done to Rachael. 

Asriel finally let her hand drop back to her side when he'd eaten everything. The minute she was gone, Stephen's hand flew up to his mouth as he raced to the corner of his cell to vomit. It felt like everything he'd ever eaten was coming up. After awhile, he was just dry-heaving with nothing but stomach acid and bile coming up. 

When it was finally over, he sat back and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. He looked at his hand, noting how shaky it was. His whole body felt like it was shutting down. He was hungry and tired and cold, and he just wanted to go home. He didn't even know where the hell he was, or if he was even in his own dimension anymore.

Stephen curled up on the cot Asriel had provided him with, just wanting to die. If only he'd listened to Rachael, none of this ever would have happened. He didn't even have the strength left to cry. All he could do was close his eyes and try to get some sleep or reflect on the past week. 

The first day, Asriel had stripped away Stephen's magic. He only got it back when she wanted him to show her how to use the eye of Agamotto. If he put so much as a toe out of line, her followers (yes, she had those) would beat him senseless and his magic would be stripped away again. He'd only tried to get away once, but now he realized what a stupid idea it was. He didn't know where to go or where he was. He didn't even have a sling ring with him.

Stephen buried his head in the crook of his arm, his forehead pounding. He missed Rachael. He would have taken being kicked out by her for how he'd betrayed her. Every time he replayed it in his head... How could he have been so stupid? Asriel hadn't been controlling him; he'd kissed her of his own free will. He wasn't even attracted to her emotionally or mentally, it was just physical which made it even worse. 

How was he going to explain it to Rachael if he ever saw her again? Did she even know he was gone? If she did, would she have gone to the police or just go on with her own life? Even if she was willing to listen to what he had to say (which she probably wouldn't), she would never forgive him. This was the cherry on top of the ice-cream sundae of being a horrible husband. 

As he was contemplating being the worst husband in existence, Stephen's eyelids began to droop. Sometimes he wondered if this was all just some horrible dream that would end with him waking up in Rachael's arms, and every time he was disappointed. Tomorrow would just bring more pain and regret. 

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