Chapter 4

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Warning: This chapter contains cussing and homophobia. No I'm not a homophobe but it's to keep the plot moving. Read at your risk. I warned you and i wont be held responsible if you hate me.


I make It home with my thought cleared. I walk straight to my room and fall onto my bed. Life is so stupid. Girls are stupid. Dating is stupid. Why did everything have to be so hard?

There's a knock on my door. "Damion?" My mother calls in a slightly worried tone. "Go away..!" I reply. "Damion, I saw you come home. I asked about your picnic. Is everything alright sweety?" I totally didn't hear my mom when I got home. I quickly search my brain. "Uh, yea. Everything is fine. We're datin-"

I hear my mom shuffle a moment. What the hell did I just say. FUCK! This is why we can't have nice things. "Well congratulation sweety!" My mom chirps happily at last. I can picture her smiling. Despite how happy usually is, she hardly ever smiles. "Yea, whatever." I hear her leave, probably to go tell my dad the news.

I lay there, letting my mind erupt with just random thoughts. That's when I get this terrible thought. Oh my fucking god. Did they think I was gay? Did they just now realize that I'm straight? Hell naw! I'm not gay! That's not natural. That's really fucking disgusting. Not to mention that assholes are not made for that shit. I'm utterly disgusted. Gays' have no idea what they are missing out on. And the lesbians? Some men like to watch that?! Lesbian honest. That ain't natural either.

The thought clouds my head. I get up and bang my head against a wall. I don't think it's gunna work. After a while I crawl back into bed and fall asleep. Boy, was I tired.

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