Chapter 8

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Luke's P.O.V

"Luke we've got to go rehearse!" Michael hollers pulling me out of my flashback. Remembering the days I would go to Claire's house and watch Bench Warmers and then go and play some baseball after the movie was done. Those were the days.

"Luke. Luke." Calum snaps his fingers in my face.

"That girl has practically taken over his life." Ash says.

"Sorry lads, I miss Claire a lot and we've never even gone a day without seeing each other since we were little. She's became permanent to my life practically." I explain.

"Well, lets get to rehearsal. Maybe post a few videos on Instagram and Facebook. Perform for the night. Then you can call her tonight." Michael explains.

"Alright lets go to rehearsal I guess." I say getting out of the computer chair. The first song we do is Where Ever You Are. I dedicate that song to Claire. I pull out my phone to text her after we tune our instruments. "Hey, look up Where Ever You Are by Five Seconds Of Summer on YouTube.'

'Okay. Why?'

'Because I dedicate that song to you.' I explain. I hope she understands and likes that song. We worled really hard on it.

**two hours later**

Its show time. First song Heart Break Girl. The crowd is roaring. I never thought any crowd this big would be cheering for us.

After we opened for the group, Harry walks over with his cell phone opened to our new Instagram. I then notice Harry is video taping.

"Hey everyone, this is my new friend Luke. He just so happens he has this girlfriend named Claire. Tag her saying that he misses her." Harry says.

"Sorry Claire." I say blushing.

"Alright everyone now I'm going to video tape you all saying hi Claire. Ready one two three." Harry says video taping the crowd. She's going to freak when she's the video.

"She's going to love you more than me later." I laugh trying not to cry.

"Alright let's start with our first song I believe is Moments." Louis says. Oh great not this one. This one always brings a tear to Claire's and my eyes.

Claire's P.O.V

I get on Twitter. Eighty Five notifications and Two hundred more followers!!! What did I miss? First notification is a video I was tagged in. By Harry Styles. That little freak.

I play the video and hear a faint "Hi Claire!" from all the fans in the crowd. Retweet instantly. I can't believe this it just brings a tear to my eyes and I can't believe this at all.

Now another notification from @Lukey___lover reading "Omg @wafflequeen I'm so jelly of you. Your boyfriend is amazeballs."

I replied "@Lukey___lover he's more than amazing."

Next notification was from @Lukeypoo400 reading "@wafflequeen you and Luke are so adorable. I ship #Laire."

I replied just by saying a simple thank you.

This is what I get for dating a new celebrity.

~~~~~Hey everyone been trying to do double updates. Maybe even triple updates. I have a double header league game tonight so what I get done today is what I get done. Okay ILYASM please vote comment and share.~~~~~

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