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Today was monday which meant it was Keith's first day at his new high school since he and his mom moved into this new town.

Keith's POV (tbh half way through it switches to 3rd person then back to Keith's pov but just go with it 💖)

I woke up to my alarm going off at 6 am. I groaned loudly then sat up tiredly and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Still half asleep, I roll out of bed and get into the shower quickly.

After a 10 minutes I finally get out of the shower, dry off, and look for something to wear. I put on a black t-shirt, my red jacket, and some black ripped jeans. After I got dressed I walk back into the bathroom and try to brush my hair out.

Once I finally finished getting ready, I grabbed my backpack and go downstairs where my mom was making coffee.

"Bye mom, I have to go." I said as I slipped on my black converse.

"Alright, have a good day. And at least try to talk some people, maybe you'll even find yourself a boyfriend." My mom said half jokingly.

"Mom!" I blushed slightly as I walk out of the door after she hugged me bye.

We didn't live too far from the school which was convenient since I could just walk there. I got my phone out of my pocket and plugged my earbuds in. I scrolled through my music and settled on Say Amen by panic!at the disco.

After a while of walking I had finally arrived to school. I had to go to the main office to get my schedule.

"Hey there! You must be Keith Kogane. The new student." The guy at the front desk said enthusiastically.
"I um. Yes I am.." I muttered taking out my ear buds and putting my phone away.
"Great I'm Principle Coran! And I have arranged to have a top student show you around and take you to your classes." He said gestering to the small girl beside of him.

The girl was short and had big glasses covering most of her face. She wore a green and white jacket with some black leggings. Her hair was cut short and a dirty blonde color.

"This is Katie Holt." Principle Coran smiled happily.

Katie sighed softly and glanced from Coran to me. "Call me Pidge." She added.

I nodded then Principal Coran handed me my schedule for the rest of the school year.
"This will tell you what your classes are and Ka- I mean. Pidge, will show you were they are." He said his smile never leaving his face.

"Alright then.." I mumbled looking at the schedule I was handed.
My classes were:
Period 1: Health class
Period 2: Spanish
Period 3: Math. I have always hated that class I wish i could just skip it everyday. I thought to myself.
Period 4: social studies
then we have lunch
and finally, Period 6: science

Pidge walked over beside me and looked at my schedule.
"Looks like we have science and health together." She said with a small smile.

I sighed relieved I had a few classs with the only person I slightly knew.
"Thank god." I chuckled then put my schedule in my pocket.

"Alright now you two go along and get to class." Principle Coran said and pushed them out the door. Keith stumbled but caught his balance while Pidge didn't even trip, like she was used to it.

"He sure is energetic." I said without thinking. "Yeah he's always like that." She replied. "Anyway let's get going to the most useful class in the world." Pidge said sarcastically referring to our health class.
I giggled softly then followed her to the class.

"Do you mind if I hang around you during lunch.." I said looked down then over at her.

"Sure but my friends are pretty weird." She smiled looked over at me. "Actually I'm pretty sure you have classes with most of them. I know for sure you and my friend Lance have Spanish class together." She said. "Lance?" I said to myself.

"Yeah they have names like every other person on the planet." She chuckled.
"All their names are Lance, Hunk, Shiro, Allura, and Lotor." She said. "I don't trust Lotor but I guess he and Allura are close so we have to put up with him." She sighed.

"That's a lot of names but I'll figure it out." He laughed quietly.
She nodded then we stopped outside of room 112 B. "This is it. We're just on time too which I'm shocked." Pidge said and opened the door walking in first with Keith trailing behind her.

"Ah. You must be Keith Kogane the new student." The teacher said.

I blushed at the attention and nodded. "Yeah. I am." I said nervously looking around the room at all the people looking at me. "Well I'm Blaytz the health teacher. You can take a seat wherever you like." He said smiling warmly.
(A/N: in case you didn't know Blaytz was the last paladin of the blue lion before lance)

"Okay. Thank you." I said trying to leave a good first impression. I followed Pidge to the back of the class then took a seat beside her.
"I only took this class so that I wouldn't have to do gym. So instead I 'learn' about it" She giggles quietly.
"That's ingenious. I just took this class because I had no choice." I said stifling a laugh.

"Everyone is going to love you." Pidge said before the lesson started.

I smiled at her hopefully and nodded. "I hope so.."

BAM! there's chapter 1 done. hope you like it. Trust me the next chapter will be a lot more eventful. This took a while to write but expect more when I don't have s e v e r e writers block.
I'll also have most of the teachers named after past Paladins, and of course Iverson will be the math teacher bc math sucks and he's mean. Also most math teachers are mean
S O. I'm done ranting.
if you read this far then h e y might as well leave a vote and comment 🤷🏼‍♀️

Word count: 1049

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