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a/n: should i change the title of this story to new kid?? let me know if u think i should. or if i should leave it as it is.
at the end of this chapter pls read the end note. it will regard this story and season 7.

While keith, pidge, and matt were all walking to their science class matt nudged keith's shoulder.
"sooo. who's you're favorite out of all of us..?" matt teased.

"lance." keith said bluntly without thinking. he caught himself then blushed bright red. "i um- i mean.."
matt and pidge both started laughing in the middle of the hallway, leaving keith red and embarrassed.

"sorry.. sorry keith." pidge managed to get out between her laughs. "at least he's honest!" matt added. "I see you've taking a liking to our sharpshooter." he smirks. Keith shrugged his shoulders and looked down at the floor as they walked. "I can also tell that you and shiro are close already." pidge inturrupted.

keith nodded, still looking down at the ground. "yeah. he's really nice. and he seems like a great guy too" keith said as they walked into the classroom. "yep. shiro is the best. he's always a big sweet heart. that's why he and allura are the perfect couple! the mom and dad as lance put it!"
( lol rip shullura) Matt stated taking a seat in the front of the class. keith sat in the middle of both of the holts. pidge on his left and matt on his right.

after a few minutes of talking the science teacher walked into the room.
"hello everyone!" he said cheerfully. the whole class seemed happy to see the teacher and a few even replied hello back. "he's the best teacher you'll ever have keith!" matt said nudging him slightly.

"so today we have a new student. his name is keith kogane!" he said waving at keith. "please treat him kindly everyone. keith, my name is Mr. Alfor and i'm the science teacher here... obviously." he smiled gently. "n-nice to meet you sir." he stuttered.

"and you too." mr. alfor said then started a lesson over a new element called quintessence.

Pidge and Matt both seemed very submerged in the lesson and were writing down notes faster than he had ever seen. "quintessence is a very powerful, and very dangerous element." keith listened and managed to scribble down some notes.

but keith found his mind drift away in thoughts of lance. even though they had met only a couple hours ago, the boy managed to make keith's heart race. lance's eyes were blue like the beautiful color of the ocean, and his gorgeous skin, along with his very outgoing  personality-

shit. i keep thinking about him. why do i keep doing this to myself. i know he's just messing with me when he winks and flirts, but part of me wishes he wasn't joking.

keith snaps out of his thoughts when pidge was called on to answer a question. he sighed and ran his hand through his hair as he glanced up at the clock. only 6 more minutes until the school day was over.

keith was in his chair smiling to himself . he couldn't wait to go home and tell his mom about the new people he met, and how nice they all are.

then, as if perfect timing, the bell rang. pidge and matt both started putting their things away and keith put away his notebook.

"see you all tomorrow!" Mr. Alfor called as people exited the room. Keith, Pidge, and Matt walked out and walked back to where they had lunch with everyone else. "usually at the end of the day we all meet up and walk home. i'm sure at least one of us lives near you!" Matt explained. "alright." keith nodded following both of them.

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