friends ★ g

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some days, all the emotions are way too much. that's the way i felt that day, the day when grayson had shown me he had found the one, he had got himself a girlfriend that wasn't me.

me, ethan and grayson were always close friends since day one. us three were unstoppable together, we were the trio.

me and grayson, we were slightly closer, though. me and ethan had a close bond, but not as much as me and grayson..

we had always stuck together, since we were little kids. we promised each other that every time that one of us was sad, the other would be there, but he had broken the promise that day, without even knowing.

i had always had a crush on grayson, even ethan knew that, then again, i feel like the only person who didn't know was grayson.

that day, i was planning to tell grayson how i felt for him, i had already payed for a small little café reservation, it was all set up, i just had to invite him.

i woke up that day with a smile on my face, i was glad i was gonna finally say the words i wanted to say. i made my way to school and looked for grayson, just to see him not there.

i was extremely confused, grayson always met me at my locker when i arrived, that beautiful smile evident on his face, his eyes lighting up, finally seeing me, thats why i always thought he felt the same, anyway.

i looked around for him and saw him at his own locker at the other side of the corridor, by him was a girl i didn't know. she looked familiar though. then it clicked, she was one of the girls grayson said was cute a few years ago, as what i thought was a joke, on instagram. turned out, she went to this school.

my heart dropped as i saw her kiss him on the lips, it was all i ever wanted to do. i still had a slight hope in me that he'd push away, or be upset with her for doing that, but no such thing happened and all the hope has vanished. he didn't like me, he liked her. he was dating her.

my heart shattered in tiny pieces, pieces that i couldn't even see or pick up, nobody could, not even him anymore. my eyes glossed over, i was about to cry. every time i had ever, in my whole life cried, grayson was by my side, and he knew i only cried at my biggest breaking points, and now, he wasn't here. i blinked my tears away and i opened my locker. i couldn't show weakness at school, but for sure when i got home, i'd cry and weep for hours, maybe even days or weeks.

i took my books and headed to class, trying not to spare too many looks at them. it hurt to even think about him. but what really hurt was that he didn't even notice me. if he had at least greeted me or noticed me in some way, even as his friend, i'd feel better about this, but he didn't.. the fact that he had chosen a girl over me, was pathetic, yet heartbreaking.

i had given up on my love then, when i noticed he didn't see me as a best friend or a friend anymore, just as his supporter of the past. and so, my classes went by, and so did lunch, he didn't even spare me a gaze or a look, even a second to realize i existed, not even a second to look around and see if i was living.

my head was down all day, my heart was taken and lost. i had lost two things, my heart and my best friend.

and then i took a second to notice grayson and his girlfriend, they both shared a kiss and grayson looked happy. happier than he ever was. happier than he was when he had found out he had gotten the chance to have an amazing job with ethan. he couldn't stop talking about it for months, and now he felt and looked even happier than he was then, when he was spending time with me.

my heart skipped a beat, i was glad he was happy, even if it wasn't with me. i would have to deal with it, eventually.

i put my head down as i realized, me and grayson always sat together in lunch, and in every class, but turns out this girl was a bit more special then his best friend. but i'd deal with it if he was happy.

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