a week of cuteness ★ e

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i calmly walked through the halls, seeing people chattering and talking with each other, probably making up rumors, the usual in a school.

i got to my locker and i opened it up, school was never something i wanted to go to, i had always been in a bad mood at school, i didn't really have true friends that i could actually trust, only people that claim to be my friend, when they are really fake, or only an acquaintance.

as i opened my locker and took out the books i needed for the next period, i saw a flower with a note next to it, the only thing written on the note was 'look behind you'. i turned around, and saw nobody, i sighed, looking back to my locker, closing it, gasping out of surprise.

somebody was standing right by my locker, and that, was ethan dolan, the boy who plays girls like instruments and then puts them down and stops playing them, forever. that boy was the definition of 'playboy', he was even wearing a white sweater, where on the side of his arm, was written 'playboy.'

i sighed, realizing he was the one that put that flower and note into my locker, wait, how did he even find out my locker combination? i just looked at him, confused, before he chuckled and spoke, ''i looked at you enter your combination, and i sort of remembered it, from the top of my head,'' he said, scratching the back of his neck, leaning against the lockers.

i just looked at him for a moment, that was sort of creepy... i turned around and tried to walk away, but he took a hold of my wrist, making me turn back. he looked me in the eyes, and was about to say something, before he got cut off from the first bell, signaling us to go to class.

he just winked at me and turned around, walking to the same class as me. turns out, he had math first period, too. i sat down in my seat and payed attention to the teacher, even if i didn't really care about math that much. i felt something hit me from behind, i turned around and looked at the floor, seeing a paper. i leaned down on my chair and picked it up, opening the crinkled paper up, it turned out to be just a little note, saying 'you look beautiful.'

i smiled at it, looking around for a person who wrote it, but didn't see anyone looking at me except ethan. i sighed, maybe this was his way of playing me?

the rest of the day, i kept on getting notes and papers thrown at me saying cute compliments.


today, when i walked into school i was alert for ethan, i didn't want to get played by him. when i opened my locker i saw a pretty teddy bear sitting there, i looked at it and awed, hugging it to my chest and cradling it in my arms. it had a little note attached to it saying 'hug it like you would hug me' with a winky face at the end.

i blushed immediately, no longer cradling the teddy bear, i hear chuckled behind me. i turned around and saw ethan standing there, his arms crossed, today he looked extremely attractive, like any day, really, ''you probably didn't expect that, but it's okay, it was cute,'' he said smiling a cute smile, his tongue slightly poking out.

the bell rang, making me walk towards my first class, ethan turning away and walking the opposite direction.

at lunch, when i sat down at my table, by myself, ethan decided to come and sit by me. he just looked at me, most of the time, making me feel slightly uncomfortable. he passed me a note and walked off somewhere. i opened the paper and giggled lightly at what he had written. i shook my head, putting the paper into my purse, saving it for later.

on the middle of the page, there was written in huge letters, 'you are one of the prettiest girls i have ever seen, from the inside and outside.' that little note made me smile the rest of the day, but i still didn't want to be played by him..


this morning, i hadn't seen ethan anywhere and there were no notes or surprises in my locker. i was quite confused until i walked into my second class, that i had shared with ethan. i saw a box of chocolates just sitting there, i put the box into my bag, turning around and looking at ethan, he just winked at me and smirked.

that smirk of his reminded me that he was just a player, i shook it off but i felt his eyes on me the rest of the day. when i walked out of school, ethan jogged up beside me, smiling a bit at me, ''want a ride home? i'll be glad to give you one,'' he sad in a happy tone, i wanted to refuse but something in my was saying this was a good idea, so i ended up agreeing.

i saw ethan look away and put his hand into a fist putting it up and down, celebrating quietly, it made me slightly giggle. he opened the passenger door for me and closed it. he happily sat down in his side and started driving.

i gave him directions to my house and he dropped me off, quickly jumping out his seat and going to open the door for me, i chuckled and thanked him. i waved goodbye and walked to my house, opening the door.


ethan greeted me as soon as i went inside of school and walked me to my locker, he leaned against the other lockers and waited for me to get my books and walked me to class. he kept on showering me in compliments and always spent his time with me.

i had completely forgotten he was a player. ethan and me spent most of the day just talking and laughing about random stuff, he got to know me and i got to know him. he drove me home and i even invited him to hang out with me.

we played video games and talked, watched movies and ate food. we had fun for a while until it got sort of late and he had to go home, as he gave me a kiss on the cheek, when he left, i felt butterflies float around my stomach and a smile instantly etched itself on my face.

the rest of the night i felt all fuzzy and happy, it was a weird feeling, but i enjoyed it.


unlike yesterday, ethan didn't meet me by the door, didn't walk with me and didn't talk to me all day, i spent the day alone, like usual. i even had to walk home.

but as i got home, i saw ethan inside my house, my mother had let him in. ethan greeted me with flowers, a teddy bear and chocolates. as soon as he saw me, he kissed my cheek, leading me up the stairs to my room, which just happened to be filled with balloons and rose petals.

ethan gave me all the presents, and a smile was already evident on my face, ''look, y/n, i usually am not the type to settle down, but for the longest time you have made me feel so special and i have had this feeling that i couldn't really understand. until a week ago.. i understand if you don't feel the same way, because i am known as a player, but, i have feelings for you, and i really like you,'' ethan spoke, i could tell he was extremely nervous.

the words he spoke made me smile wider, i got closer to him and said back, ''i like you too, ethan.''

he grinned, looking at me, ''well in that case,'' he picked me up bridal style, making me squeal out of surprise a bit, he got closer to my face, ''will you be my girlfriend, y/n?''

rather than answering, i took him by surprise, pulling him into a kiss. i pulled away after a bit, ''of course, ethan.''



this one is sort of a quick one as i didn't really have too much inspiration to write an imagine, but i have new book out rn so go check that out :)

new imagine or chapter tomorrow ✌️

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