arranged and forced love ★ g

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this all started one bleak day. the sun wasn't out and nor were any clouds. it was just a plain, blue sky.

i was simply relaxing in my room, talking to a few of my friends. it was a chill morning.

what was my age? i was 19. i wasn't going to school, just living under my parents roof. as long as they held me here, i would stay.

i wasn't working, either. still, just depending on my parents. they weren't that old, so they could keep everything stable.

i breathed in and out quietly, cuddling the blankets of my bed. somebody interrupted my peace, knocking on my door. i murmured out, "come in."

my mom walked into my room, soon followed by my dad, they closed the door behind them. they told me to get ready and that guests were coming over, preferably to wear a dress.

i just agreed with them, shooing them out the room, standing up. i guess today wasn't going to be a netflix and sleep day, after all.

i walked to my bathroom and brushed my hair, put on a little make up. i got dressed in a cute, black and white spotted dress. i put a belt around the waist of it. i put on some cute shoes and walked out.

i walked down the stairs to the living room. as i got down there, my parents sat patiently on the couch, waiting. as they saw me they motioned for me to sit down next to them. i sat down, waiting for our guests.

soon enough, there was a knock at the door. my mother and father hurried to open it, revealing two boys that had gone to my school, back when i was still going. precisely, the two play boys of the school. grayson dolan and ethan dolan.

then, both of their parents walked in. they all sat at the main table. i followed them there, greeting them. i sat down by my parents. all of them started talking about something, but i wasn't paying attention, it wasn't about me, after all. i just sat there, swinging my legs back and forth.

soon enough, i heard my name being mentioned, i looked up instantly, "y/n, since you have yet to get a job, and since you live under our roof and make us spend money for you, we think its best you find a husband soon. so we've decided to set you up with somebody, for them to become your husband.. you have to choose between ethan or grayson," my mother and father told me.

my heart dropped to my stomach, they were actually going to make me choose my own husband this early, plus, i didn't even them that well..

i sighed, i didn't know any real difference between the two. their mother took a moment to say something, "actually, ethan is currently dating a girl. he has yet to tell us who, but he is, so i think the only real choice is grayson."

my mother and father agreed, and suddenly, it was set, i was going to get married. it was all happening too quickly, of course, i wanted to get married, but with a man of my choice and in due time.. not now.

but i guess there was no point even trying to disagree and start arguments. it was completely arranged now. i was getting married to grayson dolan.

i was extremely upset, i couldn't believe my parents were doing this, but yet here it was happening.

they gave us both 4 months to fall in love, before we get married. they had already bought an apartment and everything for us. they told me that if i ever wanted, i could sleep at home, but i'd have to get use to sleeping there eventually.

the first night, i slept home. i didn't bother even going to look at the apartment. i was too bothered that this was happening, and all the thoughts were racing each other in my head.

the second night, i stayed home. i hadn't contacted grayson at all, and i didn't want too. but i knew i would have to, at one point.

the third night, i slept at home. i had met grayson at a park near my house and we just talked, one thing i realized was that before he saw me, he was with a girl, but i didn't see her again. i fell asleep in my thoughts.

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