cuddles after a long day ★ e

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i had gotten back from a long day out and all i wanted was to just cuddle the life out of ethan, but then cuddle the life back into him cause i sort of needed him to be alive.

i laughed at my own, unfunny joke in my head and made my way inside the house. as soon as i saw ethan i wanted to jump into his arms and hug him, but turns out grayson was over and so were a few other friends of theirs, looks like our cuddle session would have to wait a little.

i groaned slightly, i just wanted to watch movies and tv shows and spend my evening with him, but turns out i'd have to watch teen wolf alone. too bad he missed out on such an opportunity.

i was about to make my way upstairs, unnoticed, like a ninja, but i heard my name being spoken in the room they were in and so, me being the curious girl i am, i made my way to listen.

i didn't hear a lot but the words i heard made my heart jump in happiness.

"i love y/n with all my heart, guys, i'm worried for where she is."

ethan spoke those words making my heart jump a little. by now i probably looked like a red apple or maybe even a tomato.

i decided not to show him that i was home yet, i wanted him to wait.

i smiled a weirdly wide grin and made my way upstairs. that's about all i needed to hear for me to be relaxed and happy after such a long day out.

sure, it was a shame ethan wouldn't come cuddle with me until his friends left, but it was nice to know he says such nice words about me, even if he doesn't know i'm around.

and so, i started watching teen wolf and drinking a glass of water that i had took from the kitchen earlier.

i heard doors open and close and so, i realized grayson and everyone had left, and it was only ethan and me left.

i smiled realizing he didn't know i was home yet, and so i decided to hide in the closet, just to surprise him.

i heard the door open and saw ethan tread into the room and sit down on the bed. i heard him mumbling a few words that sounded like "where is y/n? i'm so worried.."

i smiled and decided to stay hidden for a little longer. he put his hands through his hair and looked at the clock, not moving his eyes away from it, slowly clicking his tongue along with the tick's and tock's the clock made.

after a bit, he got bored and started looking around the room, probably trying to find a distraction or something to do.

i almost let out a giggle, now i knew some of the stuff he did while i was away. i decided to just push it a bit and stay hidden for another few minutes.

ethan looked at his phone and smiled, it lit up with a notification, and slowly started playing a familiar tone of 'grind on me'. ethan started dancing to the beat, and laughed at his own actions. it made my stiffle a laugh.

he picked up the phone and put it on speakerphone, he thought nobody was home, so it wouldn't bother anyone.

when ethan picked up the phone, i almost gasped as i heard the voice of the person that was calling, i had expected somebody else to have such a ringtone in ethan's phone. i almost started giggling after a while, i would definitely hold this against ethan.

ethan kept talking to them, for a while but after a bit he hung up, sighing.

he continued mumbling words of worry about where i was. he looked down and put his head in his hands.

i decided i would step out of the closet now, and so i quietly stepped out, and made my way to him, and then i jumped on him, taking him by surprise.

i tackled him onto the bed, and he gasped looking at me and then putting his lips to mine, softly kissing me.

he chuckled looking at me, "don't scare me like that. i got so worried about you, too."

i promised him not to and cuddled into him, him putting his arms around me.

i smiled, finally i had got some peace and quiet with the one i love, and i wouldn't have it another way.

after a bit of cuddling and watching movies, ethan took a moment to look at me then he gasped, realizing something.

"did you seriously hear my ringtone and my phone call with grayson?"

"yup, and i won't ever let that go. i will forever tease you that grethan is real." i exclaimed laughing, his face was priceless.

"it was a dare! i swear!" he said with slight frustration and embarrassment.

"whatever you say, eth, whatever you say."


this is probably one of the happiest imagines i've wrote. i love to make happier ones rather than sad ones, honestly.

and i don't like this one it's very rushed i just had to get an imagine posted 🙂🙂

and before i end this,

i love you too, heba. 😉 😂😂

now bye im posting another imagine tomorrow


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