lay in bed type of day ★ g

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you awoke with a small grin on your face. maybe it was because you had slept in for a while and actually got some sleep? or maybe, it was because there were two strong arms wrapped around your petite body, pulling you into a warm hug, your legs wrapped around each other? honestly, it was probably both of those reasons.

you didn't bother opening your eyes, you knew the person that was pulling you into this warm cuddle was grayson. you moved slightly away from him, wanting to get out of bed, but he just pulled you in closer and closer into an even stronger and warmer embrace.  it was funny how he was trying to fool you, acting as if he was still asleep. you knew better. this boy was 100% awake.

heck, there was even a huge chance he was awake before you had even woken up.

you finally lightly opened your eyes and squinted a bit, blinking a few times to get used to the light that was flooding in the room. you looked up at grayson and saw him acting like he was asleep. he had his eyes closed and his mouth was a tiny bit open and he faked his snores. his jawline wasn't that defined, but it was still slightly poking out. you giggled at him, you knew he was pretending, but either way, this boy was adorable.

"gray, babe, i know you're awake," you said, your voice was slightly groggy. he groaned and somehow pulled you even closer, practically squeezing you. you giggled at his action and spoke again, "come on, let's get out of bed. i should probably clean the house today, anyway."

"baby," grayson sighed, his voice deep and husky, "i want to sleep and i want you here with me," he started stretching, his muscles flexing lightly.

something as simple as him speaking could always attract you. it was like the boy was perfect in every way, and just every part of him was pulling you in.

the way the sweet word slipped past his lips, 'baby', to be exact, just made your lips turn into a wide grin, your cheeks redden and your heart form butterflies. his groggy, husky and deep voice only pulled you in more and more..

you figured it out. it was a trap. his groggy voice, the sweet word, the muscles.. he was trying to persuade you into laying in bed, distract you from chores, so the two of you would end up just how he imagined.. having a lazy day.

and to be honest, it was working. of course, it burst your ego to admit it, but it was true. heck, the way he breathed would even had been enough for you to stay and spend the day with him, all of this only added to that.

"of course, gray," you blurted out before you could even rethink it, "i'll stay in bed just for today.."

a grin appeared on his lips and he slowly leaned in to give you a peck on your lips, but you playfully moved away. since he took you away from doing chores by simply doing that, he was getting teased.

his beautiful red lips formed a pout as he tried to lean in yet again, to no avail. "oh come on, princess," he groaned.

he attempted again and again, of course, still not getting his way. he pouted and crossed his hands.

so, after he had given up, you chuckled lightly and gave him a small peck on the lips.

"turn that frown upside down," you murmured to him and lightly squeezed his cheeks, then stretching them to form a smile. you giggled at his current facial expression, then removed your hands from his cheeks. he, of course, laughed along with you.

and so, the two of you ended up having a lay in bed type of day, rather than an actually productive day.. but to be honest, you wouldn't have been happier to spend it with anyone else.


sorry for not updating.. sometimes writing seems like a chore or something i'm forcing myself to do, which is not up my alley, whatsoever. i took a slight break and i've decided from now on, i will post what i, myself am comfortable with and what i think others may enjoy.

some imagines will no longer be expanded to the word count of 1k, 2k, 3k etc. i will also now, shorten imagines and get rid of unnecessary words and sentences.

per say, this imagine was shortened to the count of 600+ words, since i wasn't sure myself what more to add to it.

be free to request an idea for an imagine or ask for a part two of one. i will only be doing part two's and no part three's. some of my imagines will still not end happily, though.

i have also took a moment to remove the books 'artificial' and 'amaranthine' from the public eye, simply so i can edit them, continue them how i wish and form the real story that i once thought of. some books went from me forming the story together logically to me merely updating the story since i was running out of time, not editing or re-reading any chapters that i posted and forcing myself to write something i didn't want to. and to be honest, in the end, forced writing is the number one thing that ruins stories or makes the plot twist into something else.

i think that's about it for now.. i will update more when i get the chance to!

i will finish school in about 5 days and then my writing journey will only begin, and along with that, the two books, along with some news books will get finished, then i will start posting them, chapter by chapter.

thank you if you took a moment to read this.

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