2 | The Southside

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Parties is my thing, I love to party, so, when I was told there was a party, I had to go, but, then I found out it's on the Southside--but everyone told me to stay out of the Southside--I don't personally have a problem with the Southside nor the people on the Southside, so, I--of course, didn't listen.

As I arrive I get looks and glares, apparently Southsiders doesn't like people from the Northside. Well, except the drunk ass horny people. "Hey, babe. What are you doing here all alone?" A drunk guy asks me. "I just got here. Take a chill pill" I say and shake my head and walk away from him, not into that.

He stumbled drunkly away, and I headed for the alcohol table, I start mixing a drink when I hear a--"What's a Northside doing on the Southside?" A rough voice says and I brought the cup to my lips before turning around.

Woaaahhhh, that's a hot guy! Who is he? Is everyone on the Southside hot AF? I take notice of his familiar leather jacket, a serpent snake on his back. 

"Got a problem with Northsiders? Serpent" I say with a smirk and raise an eyebrow at him. "I have plenty of reasons, to have a problem with you people" He says and stepped closer.

"You people? Why? We're nice when we want to be" I say with a smirk. "Not everyone" he says and tilt his head.

"So, what's your story, Serpent?" I ask and walk away from him before turning back around. "Northside issues? Must have a pretty good story" I say with a smirk and then turn around and disappear in the crowd.

An hour later shouting and the sound of glass breaking gets my attention. I follow the other curious eyes and see a certain brown haired Serpent fighting.

I can't help but smirk a little at the sight of him beating the other guy. That guy doesn't even have a chance against the hot serpent.

He's like-huge build, like damn! The other guy is skinny and doesn't own a single muscle......The Serpent leaves the guy bloodied and walks outside, I decide to go after him with a playful smirk.

"Well, Well, Well, the Serpent can fight" I taunt, as I catch up to the Serpent, with my drink still in my hand. "Well, Well, Well, The Northsider hasn't run home yet" he retorts and wipe his bloody lip.

"I'm not the type to run" I say and smile politely. "Did you enjoy the show back there?" He retorts.

"It was quite entertaining, I must admit. I'll give it to you, Serpent. You certainly know how to throw a punch" I say with a smirk, before finishing my drink.

"Was that a Northside-compliment?" The Serpent asked with a smirk. "Maybe" I say and smirk back at him.

"Shouldn't you be going back to the Northside?" He said as he fixed his leather jacket, before moving to lean against his motorcycle. "Nah, I'm good here" I say and eye his motorcycle and he chuckles.

"What's your name Northsider?" The Serpent Asks. "Maia" I say without saying my last name and he nods accepting my first name only.

"Fogarty--my friends calls me Fangs" Fangs says and I nod. "Fangs. That's a pretty catchy name" I say and chuckle.

"It was not-nice talking to you, Northsider" Fangs says and turns on the engine and I take a small step back, before shaking my head at him.

"Don't call me Northsider" I tell him and he laughs. "See you around, Northsider" Fangs calls after me and I glare at him.

"I'm not a Northsider!" I yell after him and he drives away. Bummer. Hmm, what am I gonna do now? The party's dead. I don't want to go home already.

Hmm, let's go to that Sweetwater River again.


I 'accidentally' spent the whole night awake by Sweetwater River, so I didn't sleep at all.

Betty called me to hear why I wasn't in school yet, I told her I was on my way and that I would meet up with them in the break.

She accepted that. In the break Jughead, Archie, Veronica and Betty talked about Pop's, so when I sat down, Veronica smiled at me. Betty was busy talking about what had happened and I tried to follow. But, it's break and I haven't slept at all.

"I'm off to meet my dads court-appointed joke of a lawyer at the sheriffs station" Jughead suddenly said and I realised they had been talking, while I was half sleeping.

"Let me come with you. I gotta drop some flyers off for Sherif Keller" Archie said and I nodded understanding, what he was trying to do.

"Bye" Betty said and Jughead turned to me quickly. "And Maia, I need to talk to you when you got time" Jughead says and I nod.

"Sure. Text me when" I say and Jughead nods. "So, why are you so sleepy, Maia?" Veronica asks. "I partied all night" I say and half lie. Not all night....close enough.

"Where? And why? It's on a school night?" Veronica says and narrow her eyes. "I don't know, I felt like it" I say and shrug before the girls chuckle.

"Well, you are certainly different, Maia" Betty said and Veronica smirked. "I hope so" I say and shrug playfully.

A/N: Fangs and Maia? What do you think about them? Also, I rewrote this chapter too! It's not all chapters unless you hate it, soooo tell me! 

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